You're sitting at home safely ensconced in your hermetically sealed rooms, armed with your masks and gloves, keeping a safely designated distance from your loved ones - while watching old movies on Netflix that depict life as it once was long ago but will never be again.
And you're trying to forget the raw and rancid realization that you can no longer go out and socialize, can't go to work, can't go to school, can't go to church (can't pray, can't pray)
can't go to a park, the beach, a theater, a library, a sports event, a restaurant, a museum or gallery.
Can't travel. Can't cross borders.
Can't gather in public places.
Don't shake hands, don't hug, don't touch.
Mandatory social distancing.
No human contact.
Stay six feet away, away, away.....
(or you might get the Plague and wind up six feet under.....)
You might get the Plague!
You might give someone the Plague.
We might die! Die! DIE!
And as you sit safely ensconced in your hermetically sealed rooms, armed with your masks and gloves, you wonder:
When will this sequester end?
That's for Big Brother to know and you to find out.
It could be next week.
It could be next month.
Could be next summer.
Could be after the November election.
It surely won't be safe to go out and vote. Can't vote.
We might die! Die! DIE!
Could be in two or three or four years, after they find .......a cure for the Plague.....after they TEST us....test test test us....take our temperatures.....determine whether we are worthy to resume existence.
Could be in the year 2525. Big Brother will tell us.
But if we find a cure for the Plague, will there ever be a cure for Control and Suppression??
Control, control, control.
Our Masters are giddy with their newfound power!
Control, control, control.
They have finally finally finally discovered the perfect ploy to permanently contain us!
Restrain us!
If we resume our lives as everything once was
we might spread the Plague and die!
We might get the Plague and die!
Can we suppress the Dark Angel of Death forever? I wonder......
Perhaps if we expunge every semblance of LIFE, we can extinguish the inevitable finality of DEATH.
Big Brother will know what to do. Big Brother will secure our future.
In the breathtakingly short span of a few weeks our proud, prosperous, thriving country has dwindled to the helpless state of Nothingness that Big Brother has always desired.
We've become a third world regime
dependent entirely on our Masters -
who've endowed us with bankruptcy of the soul.
Big Brother has finally found a surefire way to suck the Life out of us using the omniscient threat of Death.
Listen to your Masters and blindly obey. Obey.
Do all that they command with no questions asked.
We might die! Die! DIE!!
But perhaps.........perhaps.......
we are already dead.
Jon V.
Bloody brillant!
ReplyDeleteNow let's move to Sweden.
I've got my Swedish dictionary and my bags are packed!
DeleteBut I don't know if there are presently any flights to Sweden. We might have to get a canoe and paddle our way there...
Even better!!!!! Think of the stories alone with that suggestion Jon!!!! Stories for years!
DeleteWhen NEWSPEAK becamwe the language of choice... it became the beginning of the end, of life as we know it.
ReplyDeleteI agree wholeheartedly.
DeleteI hope your daughter is doing okay and you're hanging in there.
Somewhere, there is light at the end of this tunnel.....
Well, when you put it like that . . . 😁 But yes, the news only seems to get worse, with no end in sight. And we are NOT getting the full details with regards to numbers or why seemingly healthy people are dying from it.
ReplyDeleteMy sarcasm knows no bounds - but (unfortunately) there's truth in what I write. The news has really become unbearable to watch. I think a lot of people are finally tuning out - and I definitely don't trust the information we are being fed.
DeleteBrilliant! Have you considered submitting this to the NY Post op-ed? (Or, do they even allow readers' editorials anymore?)
ReplyDeleteAgainst all odds, I still choose to believe we will emerge from this season of chaos. Changed, certainly … God only knows if for the better.
I don't think they allow readers opinions anymore. Besides, they have become MUCH too liberal. I've always been a devout pessimist (it's part of my charm) and I see nothing but a bleak future. All the good that our President has done is now systematically being destroyed.
Delete...but I sincerely hope you're right.
Jon, there is so much truth in this post, although it may be unpopular with some folks, present company excluded. I understand your frustration and there are many times my feelings are similar but haven't been expressed as vocally, Keep on ranting, my friend. You won't scare me off.
ReplyDeleteI admittedly write with sarcasm, but I also try to include raw reality. Some people can't handle it. God bless you for enduring my rants!
DeleteBy the way - thanks for your comment on my previous post. There's a reason why few people have heard about the Lang/Gordon murder case.
DeleteThe Gordon family was very "prim and proper" and considered it to be a big scandal. My grandmother and her sisters complained so much about the publicity, that the New Jersey press finally agreed not to write anything more about the murder until all the Gordons were deceased - - and they kept their word.
I researched the case and wrote about it long after my grandmother was dead.
My, my, Jon. Is there no way we can be cheerful? I may be wrong but I feel more like being cheerful than sad and miserable. I think the old saying 'Look on the Bright Side' is more than appropriate right now. We can't change anything, so why not have a go at being happy. I promise you, it works.
ReplyDeleteValerie, I definitely admire your optimism and it's best to have a cheerful attitude. My rants are very often sarcastic and tongue-in-cheek. Don't take my negative diatribes too seriously...
DeleteSending you sunny wishes from rainy Tennessee.
I quite agree with you. I, too, have had enough of all this BS. I am currently still working at this point as I am considered to be an"essential" employee. My job is in the medical field as I am employed by a company that produces and manufactures supplies (needles, etc.) for eye surgeries - many of them are NOT elective and are indeed necessary! I am not able to work from home, but I am far from retirement age so like so many others, I need to be able to count on my weekly paycheck! Unemployment is NOT the answer and pays practically nothing anyhow even temporarily. That being said, it is indeed a mess everywhere.
ReplyDeleteThis endless media blitz is over the top and really infuriating. We are being force-fed an overdose of absolute crap.
DeleteIt is really fortunate that you are still working - things would be far more depressing if you were trapped at home without a paycheck. And the unemployment route definitely isn't the answer.
Long ago I had to have emergency surgery on my eyes or I would have gone blind - - I can appreciate the work you're doing!
And I appreciate your kind words, Jon. Thank you.
DeleteDear Jon, thanks for one of the best-composed Jeremiads I've encountered outside the Bible. That's close enough to prayer. And as for 6-foot social distancing at home, I don't believe it even CAN happen. Surely most couples are not that well endowed.
ReplyDeleteGeo - I can always count on you to appreciate my humble attempts at literacy and over-the-top sarcasm. Many thanks.
DeleteDistances of six feet are much more than anything I can handle. I'm more comfortable in the Inches Department.......(I'm tempted to delete that....)
Ha ha ha ha ... now that was funny! Thank you for the chuckle - needed that today!
DeleteI loved this! Bravo!
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate that! Thanks for stopping by.
DeleteI had eye surgery scheduled before The Virus got bad. Four days before my procedure, the surgery was canceled as it was considered elective. I have a hole in my macula that causes a blind spot in my central vision of one eye. If I develop more severe vision problems in that eye, it could mean my retina is detaching. I would need emergency surgery at that point which would be a real worry to me. Because doctors and nurses also have the virus at this time, and sometimes are at work when they are getting sick with it.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter is an RN at a large hospital in our area. The other day she was doing the medical check-in as the doctors and nurses arrived at work. Two doctors were sick and ready to go to work anyway. One had a 101.1 fever and aches and pains, the other had stomach symptoms. The supervisor was contacted and the doctors were sent home. It makes a person wonder how many doctors and nurses make it through the health check-in and work all day exposing patients to the illness without even knowing they have the virus.
My daughter is a nurse, her husband is a plumber,both are working, and their son is 10 years old. I would do any amount of social distancing, not going to church(which I don't do anyway), not going to theaters, not going out to bars, tattoo shops(I'm not a tattoo person anyway), not going to restaurants, keeping kids home from school, wearing masks and gloves, to try and keep this Devil of Death away from my daughter,son in law,sweet young grandson,and my son, my husband, and myself, and everyone else.
Right now, I'm at home not "hermetically sealed", but that could happen in future. The front door is open, the birds are singing beautifully, one neighbor family's children are all running, playing,laughing and shrieking enjoying a lovely spring evening in their own front yard. Other neighbors are sitting out in their yards visiting, lawn chairs all about 6 or 8 feet apart. I'm lucky I live in an area where we can go out in our yards or take walks whenever we like.
My God - it is absolutely horrible that your eye surgery was canceled! I can't think of anything worse. I had to have emergency surgery on both my eyes (at different times) for severely torn retinas, so I can fully sympathize with your plight. I hope this current ban on "elective" surgery will be lifted very soon.
DeleteBesides - I don't consider eye surgery to be elective.
I can't understand why places like tattoo shops and beauty shops are being allowed to open - it's insane. Thankfully I live alone in the wilderness and very seldom go anywhere. I can step outside any time and breathe fresh air. Health-wise, it's very important to get sunshine and exercise.
Please take care and keep me updated on your situation.
Well said! I have been reading ( And writing) things similar to your rant/observations. ( Spot on, might I say.) I do believe that this little "experiment" has set a template for future government officials to follow once the plebes and peasants get unruly. Make up a plague! That will show them. Anyone who disbelieves our decrees will be shamed as "plague deniers!" and arrested.. (or fined $1000.. Which ever is most profitable.) They will stop protesting as be forced to stay in their homes. If they run out of food... they will have to come back and beg to us for permission to go out. It now is more about control than safety.
ReplyDeleteBA! I'm doing it again. See can't stop the rants. Still, I do want to believe that things will get back to normal. Sooner rather than later. I'm waiting for the Dems to attempt impeachment again on the grounds Trump wants us to put Bleach in our veins! It won't surprise me if it happens. That is how jaded I have become. hehe
I agree with your opinions COMPLETELY and have been reading your "rants" (I don't always leave comments).
DeleteThe virus is very real and can be dangerous, but - as you said - this has become MUCH more about control than safety. The libs have finally found a way to destroy Trump (but it won't work...).
I have no doubt that the Evil Hag Pelosi is taking a break from her designer ice cream binges to plan another impeachment...
Beautifully written. I guess it's not so much Death that bothers me, so much as dying horribly... and the Virus seems like not such a pleasant way to go. Yep, I'm high Risk and a Coward like that... plus I'm Full Time Caregiver to a Medically Fragile Spouse and a Special Needs Medically Fragile Grandchild I've Raised and Adopted, who is only 14 and would be screwed without me, since Grandpa has Brain Damage and could never finish the job. I took the Pandemic seriously, not just because the Word PANDEMIC just about said it ALL... really... even before it hit our shores... but also because we lost a Great-Grandchild who lives Abroad early on during the Pandemic, of the Virus, at only 5 Months Old, she deserved more Life than she was Granted. It took her out in a single Day and I cannot even Imagine the Lifelong Pain that will give our Granddaughter and her Husband FOREVER, of losing a Child prematurely to an invisible Enemy that has the upper hand against us all.
ReplyDeleteWhat a heartbreaking tragedy to lose a five month old great-grandchild from the virus! I haven't heard of many children or babies dying of the virus - but I have no doubt it is happening. It attacks fragile people of all ages.
DeleteMuch like you, I'm in the high-risk category - with several health problems and a rotten immune system. Fortunately, I live in the wilderness in Tennessee and only go to town when I need supplies.
Presently only two people in my county have the virus - but, of course, that could change quickly.
Anyway, many thanks for your comment and please take care.
Don't delete. I was just harkening back to the '60s when my erogenous zone extended several miles past my actual body.
ReplyDeleteI won't delete, Geo.
DeleteI'm glad that my insanely wild (and extremely dangerous) days are over....I'm stunned that I survived.
ReplyDeletei totally agree
Thank you, Ron!
DeleteHi again Jon, I just read your current post which will not accept New comments and I can understand that you may be blasted by some for expressing your views. But this is a free country and freedom of speech is one of its hallmarks. Yes, this is a frightening crisis worldwide which has turned into a media frenzy, sadly making so many more anxious and fearful. Yes, we should all adhere to some safety guidelines, but when I see people walking around outdoors wearing masks and gloves it is rather unsettling. The purpose of being out is to be free of such restrictions not to continue them.
ReplyDeleteHi, Dorothy - I decided not to allow comments on my most recent post because it was just a brief thought and nothing very interesting. I have, however, been surprised at how many people agreed with my views.
DeleteIt is really weird to see people wearing masks when they're out walking in the fresh air.
I agree with you. Ugh! I quit watching the news. I am a daycare provider and still have my little ones daily. I want to keep busy and they need care yet. Take care and be glad you live in no man's land right now..haha! Wendy
ReplyDeleteIt's encouraging to know that you are still managing to have daycare, despite all this chaos. Watching the news can be an excruciating experience lately. There is FAR too much emphasis on the virus. Take care and thanks for the comment!