Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 Well, I finally salvaged my blog - despite the fact that it isn't exactly the way I want it.

I just revised (improved) the format

I'm presently going through an enormous amount of personal problems that would probably kill a lesser person.

And I'm having health issues that are starting to scare the hell out of me.

The last thing I needed was to spend hours on this stupid blog, struggling with the nightmarish issues of the new format. I trudged through the quicksand and land mines of the treacherous "new and improved" blogscape and emerged unscathed - but also disgruntled.

I despise my "new" blog title format. And I can no longer post my own background images. It says to use images 1800x1600 or larger. All of my background images are larger than that, but when I post them they come out in tiny half-inch tiles. I marked the "do not tile" icon but it didn't help. So I'm stuck having to use the backgrounds provided by Blogger - which I hate.

Am I complaining too much? Hell, yes, but I don't care.

My initial "first day of autumn" post was thwarted by this blogger debacle. Summer ended abruptly this time around and September has yielded delightfully seasonal temperatures and several blessedly dry days.

It's been in the 60s during the day and 40s at night (that's Fahrenheit, for those of you in Oslo). This is such a glorious time of year but much too brief. The weeks are passing with breathtaking speed.

I had lots of photos to share, but will only dare to post a few on this new blog format. I'm still using my ancient camera because I'm not yet used to my new cell phone.

First day of autumn from the front porch


and butterflies


  1. love the goldenrods and butterfly. they are just what i needed to see this morning. thanks jon. a ray of sunshine for sure. like you my life is in total chaos. the bottom fell out the other day and i can't seem to get my bearings.

  2. Thanks for persevering, Jon, and glad that at least one thing has gotten better for now, the weather. I admit to cowardly so have not tried changing any background of headers on my blog as many have done. I don’t care enough and just focus on getting the post text and photos to work for now.

  3. Well I love the pictures!!!!!!! It was worth the wait! The blog background I actually like, sort of has a Asian flair essence about it. But I think the more you play with it, the blogger dashboard that is..... you get more familiar with it! LOL!!!!!! I still don't like it, but I'm feeling a little more comfortable now.

  4. Okay, I'm delighted to 'see' you here ... but you're scaring me about the health issues. I know you loathe doctors, but please get yourself checked out, if for no other reason than the 'kids.' Bosco and Kitzee need you!

  5. The photos are beautiful and turned out well. I have the advantage of using a paid service, so they are very helpful and accommodating. I don't think the free services are that way at all. It's a take it or leave it situation. Hope your health and problems improve. At least, the glorious weather is uplifting. Take care.

  6. I guess I am glad I have never changed my background since I started blogging--LOL! I certainly am not going to try now! I hope everything will at least work for you now. Wish you were feeling better.

  7. Jon,
    And here I thought it was me with the "new and improved" didn't work for me. Never does, only makes things harder. I'm still trying to figure out the new Blogger. What's "improved"? You pictures of your sylvan retreat are lovely as always.

  8. By the way, that background ISN'T you. Just saying

  9. The goldenrods are beautiful! Glad you made it through the dark side of blogger unscathed. Playing around in a test blog helped me to become more familiar with some of the truly puzzling and unnecessary changes that were made. When I am comfortable that it has served its whole purpose I will delete it. Hope you feel better!

  10. Good Morning and Happy Friday Jon.

    Looking at your new page. I know you might not like it and that is who really matters, but I like the background. Fits right in with the time of the year.

    Love the photos you posted. So colorful, bright and cherry!!!

    Here in my part of TX, in The Rio Grande Valley, TX, we do not get that grand beauty. I love my palm trees, but they do not do this.

    Take care Jon!!!

    Roy In Texas

  11. That is a very fancy butterfly at the end of the post. . And I think your blog looks beautiful with all those lovely background images. I hope that your health problems get cleared up soon and that you feel better Jon.

  12. BTW, love your new background photo - beautiful!!


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