Saturday, February 5, 2022



2005 - 2022

Gone, just like that.
I had expected more - possibly a miracle. Yet, in my heart of hearts, I always knew that miracles don't exist. They languish in the comforting realms of our wishful dreams, but quickly vanish when we rudely awaken.

My sixteen-year-old cat Kitzee died late last night. In the breath of brutal winter, in the bleak midst of a dangerous time when my problems and worries have become tumultuous. In a time of anguish and isolation, when my withered soul desperately yearns for comfort and reassurance, she has left me alone.

Sixteen years is a long time. When I first got Kitzee she was a three-month-old kitten. I was reasonably young, healthy, and content. I still had optimism - which has long since abandoned me.

Kitzee and I endured a lot in sixteen years - the death of my parents, and subsequently many bad times and turbulent years. Through it all she was a faithful and loving companion, whose company always kept me going. 

She was more than just a cat, she was part of my existence.

In her advancing years I could sense that she was becoming tired. I desperately tried to ignore the inevitable fact of her eventual demise.
In sixteen years, I have turned into a weary, bitter, completely exhausted old man - existing in poverty, ill health, and squalor in rural Tennessee. My two cats were all I had left to keep me plodding forward.

Kitzee was in remarkably good health until about a week ago. Her gait became sluggish, her appetite waned, she seemed slightly confused. Her eyes became runny, nose stuffy, breathing labored. I hoped against hope that she might recover.

Yesterday she showed signs of improvement. She drank lots of water and was nibbling at food. The vaporizer that I put in the bedroom seemed to be helping. I cleaned her runny eyes and made her as comfortable as possible.

Late last night - when I was in bed with the two cats - something seemed to change. I could sense it. Kitzee had been sleeping near the foot of the bed. She suddenly got up, came over to me, and nestled on my chest. 

I instinctively knew what she was doing, but I was too cowardly to admit it.
She was saying goodbye.

I stroked her fur, scratched her head, kept reassuring her and saying how much I love her.

Then, suddenly, she leaped off the bed, went across the room, and laid under the computer desk. She made several disconcerting noises, like breaths of farewell. Then she was silent.

I called her. I kept calling for her to come back on the bed.

Her absolute silence told me everything that I didn't want to know.


I took this photo of Bosco and Kitzee yesterday (Friday, Feb. 4). I truly thought Kitzee was feeling better.


  1. I am so sorry, Jon. There really is nothing to say, but she was with you, her special person, to the end, and she knew that she was greatly loved.
    Jackie in CA

  2. I am sorry Jon. She did her best to hang on and came to be near you to say her goodbye to you,but needed a little distance from you to be able to let go of her life. She was such a sweet and good kitty.I agree with Jackie in the comment above. She knew she was greatly loved by you.

    When our old kitty Max died at 17, shortly after he died, my husband and I often thought we would catch glimpses of him in the hallway or dining room. There were even times when Fuzzy acted like he was seeing Max in those areas.
    When I and my husband saw him, he appeared as a kind of a darker gray than he was in real life, see through shadow walking or sitting in the hall or dining room. It would always be a fairly brief appearance. That went on for about 6 months, becoming less often as that time went by.

    Your Kitzee will always be in your memory and heart.

    Take care, John.

  3. Jon, I'm so incredibly sorry! Your accounting of her last few minutes is devastating, but I'm comforted that you were there to express your love. Maybe, just maybe, she's run into the arms of your sweet mother.

  4. My heart is truly breaking for you right now, Jon. I am so, so sorry! Trust me, I know how you feel and I am honestly in tears right now thinking about it. Many of my beloved fur babies saw me through a lot of dark times in my life as well.

    She KNEW how loved she was and always will be. Bosco will most probably need you more than ever now. They know when something is wrong. Thinking of you, my friend.

  5. My condolences, Jon, as there is nothing more comforting I can say on your beloved Kitzee’s passing. She was very loved and I believe she knew that and did not want to have you see her pass, but of course you did💜

  6. Heartbreaking Jon. Heartbreaking. I know oh so well the pain of losing a faithful, loving companionship.

  7. You had me in tears by the end. I suspected all was not well with her from 5he last post. Many hugs im sending you Jon. You and Bosco will have to keep each other well and look after each other.

  8. My thoughts and condolences on your loss of beautiful Kitzee Jon. Godspeed over that Rainbow Bridge sweet girl, she was well-loved and knew it.

  9. Very sad post. Cats are par of your very being to people who have them. Just be advised... All dogs may go to heaven.. But cats are reincarnated! So be on the lookout for a friendly cat that may remind you of Kitzee's antics. It took several years for Red, my trusty shop cat, to return. He may look a little different, but he is there in spirit. Happy Travels Kitzee! You'll be back, I'm sure.

    1. The Great Ethan Allen - Wow! You are only too right! After I lost my precious Midnight, a year later we took in a stray who had been hanging around our house and whom later on began to remind me so, so much of my beloved Midnight. Although I could NEVER replace him, the newest addition whom we have named Butterscotch seems to be Midnight reincarnated - only a different color!

  10. This is heartbreaking Jon! I’m so sorry Kitzee passed away! While living alone our animals are our family! She knew you loved her! My Tiger 18 yr old passed away in October. My two other cats cry for him and I do too! I’m sorry your going through this!

  11. My sincere condolences, dear Jon.

  12. I am so sad to hear this, Jon. I know how important a friend a cat can be. I can't say much to help, I know, but you have my sympathy and thoughts. And don't forget, you looked after her so well and so faithfully, and she appreciated it and understood it. These things are good memories. Remember, too, that she did not suffer. I see so many poor animals whose owners try hard to keep them alive with medication and they are confused and suffering. She sounds like a healthy happy cat who came to the end of her lifespan and understood that in the way that animals do. She handled it in the way she wanted and obviously felt loved and comforted to the end.

  13. Oh no! S9 sorry to hear this. Sounds like she kind of rallied before the end. Yes--I think she said goodbye to you. I know you will miss her terribly. Sixteen years is a long time with a loving cat like her. *hugs*

  14. Kitzee was a very good girl and will be greatly missed my friend


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.