Sunday, October 8, 2023



I've been doing so many updates concerning my health, that I'm afraid I becoming boring and self-serving. I'm surprised that so many people still care.

In order to add a semblance of variety to my blog - I've decided to rehash some of my old posts (I will still give my health updates)

This is an old post from several years ago

For some weird and indiscernible reason, I suddenly remembered that I never pimped my book for children on this blog.

The peculiar thought occurred to me when I  found a dusty copy of it on one of my bookshelves yesterday. It was published in 2016 (2nd edition 2018) and I can hardly believe that so many years have passed.

I'm not expecting anyone to buy the book. I just thought I'd share it with you.

Between Dusk and Dawn is a paperback book with seventeen poems, approximately 65 glossy pages, with an array of colored pictures that I selected.


 poetry for children

The poetry depicts the magic and mystery of the nocturnal world - with the beauty that enhances our dreams, infused with shrouds of uncertainty that inspire our fears and induce nightmares.

The moon, owls, crones, sprite, will o' the wisp, bats, werewolves, gnomes, ghosts - - things quite appropriate for the Halloween season.

Available at Amazon.
Between Dusk and Dawn



Night is the time
between dusk and dawn
when the world is dark
and the hours are long,

when a creamy moon rises
above the tall trees
and wise old owls
whoo-hoot in the breeze,

when the leaves on the trees
softly rustle and sway
and almost seem
to have something to say,

When the stars far above
always twinkle and glow
while the shadowy earth
drowses way down below.

Night is the time
when cats like to prowl
and moths like to flutter
and wolves start to howl,

when crickets are chirping
by the banks of a creek
and bats fly about
in the sky as they squeak.

Night is when shadows
will lurk in your room
and silence will listen
in the gathering gloom

and outside your window
the night creatures creep
while dreams come to visit
as you peacefully sleep.



But suddenly something
jolts you awake.
What could it be.
for goodness sake?

Was it the wind
as it whisked past the house
or was it the scurrying
feet of a mouse?

Was it a creature
outside in the gloom,
or did the sound come
from the midst of your room?

Could it have come
from the dark closet door,
or from under your bed
with the dust on the floor?

or maybe the sound that you heard
wasn't there -
and is only a dream
that gave you a scare.

Jon Varga

copyright 2016-2018



  1. This is such a creative way of tapping little's imaginations! I only wish I knew of a child who might appreciate having a copy.
    Just curious -- do your caregivers know about your book(s) and/or this blog?

    1. Unfortunately, children don't read nowadays as much as they used to. When I was a kid, reading was my greatest pleasure. I'm glad I was young before the detrimental age of technology.
      My caregivers know about my piano videos on YouTube and they played some of them on a large screen in the rehab room. Alas, hillbillys aren't keen about good music *smile*
      I mentioned my blog and books. Perhaps I'll show it to them....

  2. “when I found a dusty copy of it on one of my bookshelves yesterday.” Did you forget to tell us you are home? Or were you speaking figuratively?

    1. This is an old post that I wrote several years ago. I indicated that at the beginning.

  3. This seems like the right time of the year for your children's book--lol!

  4. Beautiful, imaginative poems you've shared, thank you.

  5. I enjoyed the two poems shared in this post, Jon, thank you. As many of us already know, you are a multi-talented individual. While I can understand that you feel your posts about your health updates can be (your words) "boring" please do not think that fellow bloggers do not care to read how you are doing and the progress you are making.

    1. I'll definitely keep posting updates about my health - but I've also decided to rerun some old posts just for variety. Thanks, Dorothy.

  6. Pimp away Jon! 🦉
    Lisa (salemslot9)

  7. I own both your books, Jon. I really like 'Between Dusk and Dawn' for this time of year. Perfect for October and Halloween! I'm getting my copy out and rereading it. The pics you chose are great and really adds to the mood and vibe of the season. Hope you're getting that extension at the rehab facility, and you'll be home soon. Good luck!
    Paranormal John

    1. I haven't yet heard anything from my insurance companies - - so they haven't kicked me out yet. I definitely need more physical therapy but I'm extremely anxious to go home. I want to see the forest again at this beautiful time of year.
      Thanks so much for your appreciation of my (humble) book. I wrote it very quickly, in a sudden (and rare) burst of creativity. It is fun to read during the Halloween season.

    2. I initially wanted to make it more scary, but toned it down for children.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.