Thursday, October 12, 2023


I'm in a bad mood today, so don't get too close. I might bite. 

That was supposed to be funny. Why isn't anybody laughing?

I removed my most recent post Hollywood Haunts solely because it generated absolutely no interest. I initially decided to post it because I thought it was a refreshing change from my boring medical updates.

Perhaps the post was too long. Perhaps nobody cares about Tinseltown ghosts. Who knows.

Perhaps my writing was crappy.

No - - that would be a complete absolute impossibility.......

So here I am on Friday the 13th (actually it's Thursday night) with no more bad luck than usual - - writing another excruciatingly boring post about my medical updates.

Hopefully that will generate interest.

Am I being bitter and sarcastic?


Four months of my life completely wasted. Over two months in Cookeville Medical Center. Two months here in the Jamestown rehab.

I'm restless, bored, stir-crazy. I missed an entire summer and now I'm missing glorious autumn. Truth to tell, I'd rather be dead. 

Optimism wears thin - - there is a limit to everything - - but I'm valiantly hanging on. By a slender thread.

Well, enough pathos.

As for updates, there's not much to tell.

I've heard no word from my insurance companies. They were supposed to kick me out of rehab on October 4th.

I still have a seriously infected radiation burn on my butt. The pain is so excruciating that I had to leave my physical therapy last Monday. Even the pain meds hardly help.

On Wednesday the wound care doctor put me on antibiotics again, but today I refused it.


Read the side effects and you will be astounded. Hallucinations, irreversible damage to liver and tendons, suicidal tendencies, loss of memory, acute insomnia, heart rhythm changes, fainting, vertigo, coma......and much more.

I'd rather endure the pain than the risks.

Truth to tell - - I was given levofloxacin last week. I took half a tablet and felt extremely weird. Never again.

As for physical therapy, I'm doing very well. I can now stand and have excellent balance without any aide, cautiously climb stairs, and walk a good distance with a walker.

But I feel weak and tired much of the time. I usually maintain a sense of humor and make everyone laugh in therapy. That's a plus.

Even in agony, I'm irresistable. *smile* 

So here it is, nearly Friday the 13th.Are you superstitious?

My black cat Bosco will probably be celebrating. But I hope he misses me.

What I miss is the (old) Friday the 13th TV series. I was a huge fan. 

Cheers, Jon

I'm still receiving your cards. Many thanks!!!


Friday the 13th was my best day in therapy yet. I walked all through the entire facility, which is large. Progress!


  1. I am interested in the present more than the past, anyone's present, that is. You've come a long way with mobility, but the pain is a real downer. That makes a person tired, just dealing with it. I'm sorry you're missing the fall. Is there any way to get outside where you are?

    1. I've always loved reading about the past because it helped me forget the present.
      Ironically I endured seven weeks of chemo and radiation without a complaint. This pain is worse, but I'll survive.
      Unfortunately there is nothing good to see outdoors here at rehab. The real beauty of autumn is in the forest where I live.

  2. Maybe it was just because so many people had already read that post before? Felt more distant from your present situation, you know?

    I'm glad you are able to get around better and better, but sorry you are in such pain. I would avoid the pain meds as much as possible, too. I hadn't heard of an antibiotic with all those awful side effects--awk!

    Chronic, seemingly endless bad health wears anyone down. Every now and then maybe we need to allow ourselves to feel overwhelmed and tired of the battle. It's a long battle. But the alternative is worse--lol! Can't give up the fight. ;)

    1. I have a lot of new readers and my old faithful ones are few and far between. I figured I'd let the new readers see a few of my posts which aren't medical issues.
      I try to avoid pain meds, too. When I had colon surgery I refused any pain meds.
      I always read about side effects before taking any medications. These side effects of this antibiotic really shocked me!

      I definitely feel overwhelmed from the battle....but I promise I won't give up.

  3. It's encouraging to know that you are getting stronger, and can now walk and climb steps.
    Yes, I'm a label reader too, one pill of Cipro and my world as I knew it changed, so I understand the refusal of meds.
    Sorry you are feeling overwhelmed, it happens, soon you'll be home.

    1. I have always been very cautious about medications - and reading about the side-effects can be enlightening as well as frightening. I hope they will change my antibiotics, since I don't want to risk taking this one.
      I also truly want to go home before autumn ends. Who knows?

  4. If ignorance is bliss, I must be ecstatic by now. Unlike Tom, I never read the side-effects of my medications; only if and when I start feeling 'off' and run to Dr. Google. I may be wrong, but strongly suspect if even ONE person taking an Rx were to suddenly develop ingrown toenails, Big Pharma would be obligated to list that as a potential side effect. (OK, I'm exaggerating, but still.)
    When my son suffered a back injury I forget what opoid they prescribed, but after the first day he refused to take any more.

    So glad your PT is progressing nicely and you're making your caregivers smile. (That's a rare gift.)

    The day is young, yet ... but '13' is my favorite number so I'm cautiously optimistic.

    1. I have been extremely cautious about medications from an early age. When I was 18 I almost died from a shot of penicillin - went into shock and unconsciousness. Just thinking about it scares me.
      I was born on the 13th.
      Lucky? I don't know.....

  5. I didn't see your post. I wasn't online much yesterday. Don't feel self-conscious about posting what's happening now. We are interested and do care about your progress and how you are feeling.

    1. When I post about my medical issues, I feel like I'm boring and self-serving, but I'm truly grateful that so many people care.

    2. Jon, I post about food and cats. Not exactly earth shaking stuff. There is nothing boring about what you are going through.

  6. Happy belated Friday the 13th Jon!
    Bosco is officially our top black cat
    Posh & Whiteface celebrated
    with Meow Mix & Temptations
    my Friday the 13th the series dvds
    have already left this house in a box

    1. I knew you were a fan of Friday the 13th - the series - and I thought of you when I posted this. Glad Posh and Whiteface enjoyed the celebration.

  7. Lisa (salemslot9) whoopsie

  8. I remember the era of big hair, but that girl in the poster takes it to a whole 'nother level!

    I am sorry I didn't read your Hollywood post. I thought it might be too dark. Somethings...well, you know. Reading about someone else's misfortune brings me down. I am reading your posts, however, and they somehow do not bring me down. They encourage me that something is happening, maybe something good. I am watching you get through it. That may not be what you expected to hear.

    I wonder why an antibiotic has that kind of effect? It seems bizarre. A painkiller maybe, but that?? It's a mystery to me. I'm no doctor, but that doesn't stop me from saying things like this.

    1. She was a Canadian acress and model who goes by the name of Robey. She later married a Lord and became a countess.

      A lot of people don't like to read scary or depressing things. I personally enjoy them. The depressing thing is what I've been going through.
      That antibiotic is notorious for adverse reactions. I want to avoid the risk.

  9. the contemplativecat here Dr is doing tests for Alzheimer's. so far okay but have another definitive answer. I asked about meds and reactions. He listed them, and said that only 1%-3% people will react. Knowing my history with stuff like this, I would definitely be in that %.
    getting stronger is the direction to go.

    1. I'm glad the tests are okay and pray that it eill stay that way.
      Most meds are relatively safe - but this particular one has alarming side effects that scare the jeeters out of me.

  10. Phooey Jon because I DID read your previous post, but removed it BEFORE myself or perhaps others could leave a comment. Sometimes, comments can't be made right away, so perhaps you could be a bit more patient (bad pun) and you would have found that myself and others did enjoy reading about Hollywood Haunts.

  11. Pain is a real downer, but I think you are right to stay off that antibiotic. Doctors are a darn sight too keen to hand them out it seems to me, then are surprised when people get resistant infections. Antibiotics should be kept under wraps for when they are needed to save lives.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.