Thursday, October 5, 2023


I was hoping that nobody read my post about nurses, because I wanted to do some heavy editing and repost it.

In the meantime I'm struggling with other issues.

The Big Battle (capitalized for emphasis) has begun with my insurance companies. They're intent on kicking me out of rehab. I'm determined to stay a little while longer. I'm desperate to go home - - but require a little more physical therapy.

Can file for an appeal.....let the battle begin.

In excruciating pain due to a radiation wound on my butt that won't heal. The wound care doctor is puzzled. If she's puzzled, I'm alarmed.

I'm also dealing with some other unpleasant issues that I won't bother to mention on this public blog.

I was so stressed today that I had a massive ocular migraine while trying to eat lunch. I get them quite often. If you never experienced them - - pray that you'll never get them......

I'm still optimistic that I'll eventually survive all this crap.

Ironically - 

Just as I was writing this, a wound care nurse came in and changed my bandages. She said the doctor wants to change my medications and try a new route......who knows??....

They think I'm extraordinary for never complaining.

Perhaps I am.

I'm still doing extremely well in physical therapy.

Yesterday I finally received a phone call from my case worker from Cookeville Social Security. I recently wrote him explaining where I am and assuring SS that I'm still alive. They thought I was dead. No lie. But finally everything is resolved.

Happy endings? Who knows.

Love, Jon

Many thanks for reading my updates and caring about my plight. Your compassion truly touches my heart and lifts my spirits.

BTW - - I received your recent cards. Mucho gracias!



  1. Sorry to read you have suffered from a migraine I know the pain, having suffered from them back in my thirties. My savior was Caforgot.
    Keep pushing that insurance company to allow more rehab, exhausting I know, but you obviously know you are not quite ready to leave yet.
    Our first taste of autumn this weekend, stay warm.
    Sending healing thoughts,

    1. I've suffered from migraines since I was in my 30s also. My mother had them frequently. I heard that women get them more often than men.
      I do hope that I can extend physical therapy for at least another two weeks or so - -but I'd really like to see the forest on my property in full autumn glory.
      Yes, it's supposed to get cooler this weekend.

  2. I get ocular migraines, usually from stress, and you certainly have a lot of that. I'd like you to get relief from wound pain and I hope the doctor has a good new idea about it. Anyone who can fight the insurance to get longer rehab, among all you're dealing with, is definitely a warrior, medical division.

    1. Ocular migraines are scsy and really annoying. I usually get them from stress - or eye strain from using the computer.
      In complete desperation I have indeed become a warrior, medical division.
      It's a good feeling.

  3. Insurance companies are a royal pain in the ass and are nothing but a racket I swear. I have fairly good benefits, but they cover this and not that, so much for this, won't cover that. Well what the hell is the point if they aren't going to help or cover anything??? And least of all tell someone like yourself, you've had enough care?!?!?!

    I sure hope you continue to get heathy and heal. You sound in good spirits. And let's hope that wound heals. Be on the lookout for another card.

    Take care Jon!

    1. Insurance companies have a nasty habit of abandoning ship just when you need them the most. I am going to fight for some extended rehab....
      But I'm really yearning to return home and see the forest in autumn glory again. I know it won't be easy, but I've been inside for about four excruciating months (!!!!). I'm desperate to escape this nightmare.
      Many thanks for your concern and input.
      Will look forward to another card!

  4. About the slow healing, do you smoke? I have heard tobacco stops healing. A friend's husband broke his arm and it was not healing. His doctor was alarmed, but when he discovered he was chewing tobacco the doctor freaked out. "Stop that," he said. The bone healed quickly then. I can't imagine you are smoking, or chewing, in that facility, and I am not a doctor, but I like to be helpful. So that's my help. :-)

    I think your hopeful attitude is helping you heal. It sounds like it has a good effect on those around you too. I didn't expect when I started reading this blog that it would inspire me too, but you have.

    1. Thankfully, I never smoked. The photo on my sidebar is a sham. When I was very young I always bought cigarettes and pretended to smoke - trying to look tough. But I honestly seldom inhaled.
      The idea of chewing tobacco disgusts me.
      The wound on my butt won't heal because I'm either sitting or laying on it.*ouch!*
      I can't imagine inspiring anybody, but my fervent desire to keep moving forward is definitely positive.
      Thanks Sandi

  5. It's exhausting, but keep fighting for more rehab. You need to feel safe when you do leave there. You have hardly been up on your feet for very long yet. Insurance companies are running the health system anymore. Grrr!
    Always feels so good to hear a doctor wanting to try something else--yes! I hope whatever it is can be successful for you. But most of your success is due to you! Determination and wanting to get out of there--lol! :) :)

    1. Insurance companies have no mercy for those who really need them. They do indeed run the health system.
      It's encouraging when doctors want to try something new.
      The doctors, nurses, and therapists are incredibly hard-working and an enormous help - - but you're right...
      the success truly comes from myself and my relentless determination. Thanks, Rita.

  6. Extraordinary ... you betcha! Glad to hear more folks are beginning to realize that.
    I'm sorry to hear you've been experiencing those migraines again; little wonder they're a result of the insurance shenanigans? They should be ashamed. So glad to hear you've got your moxie back. Lock and load m'friend!

    1. I'm always quiet, polite, never complain. I keep my screams silent. That is indeed extraordinary.
      I've been getting those scary ocular migraines since I was in my 30s. Stress can be brutal.
      I'm astonished that my mental health has stayed strong through this nightmare of a journey. I'm fighting to maintain physical strength. That's the hardest battle for me. But I'll survive.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.