Sunday, October 1, 2023


 And now it's October - - my favorite month. How is it possible that four precious months have passed, without my tangible knowledge?

I vaguely remember June the 1st - - when I was far too weak to walk and my mind was completely muddled. I stumbled outside on the front porch, managed to call 911 on my cell phone, then passed out.

I subsequently embarked on an astonishing, agonizing, horrifyingly long journey infused with pain, confusion, fear, uncertainty, silent screams, and fervent desperate prayers. I was unaware of summer - - totally ignorant of the outside world.

Life is a journey of uncertainty, a test of endurance. The path is grueling , uncharted, and astonishing fragile.

On this first day of October I'm feeling a semblance of strength that's overcoming obstacles. I feel an urgent surge of spontaneity that makes me want to leap out of bed and fly.

 My insurance for rehab expires on October 4th. And it's already been extended. Don't know what will happen next.

I want to go home but I need a little more time. Just a little more.....I still have medication, still have wound care, still have weakness and numerous problems from the radiation.

Last Friday in rehab I learned to walk up steps again. Unsteady but successful. I also walked much more than any previous time. Everyone was astonished. Progress? I think so.

My two rehab nurses told me that their husbands are going to repair my front steps at home. The steps are rotted from water damage. I'll only have to pay for the materials they will use.

A few weeks ago I found a man who brush hogged my property for $300. The brush, thorn bushes, and weeds were over six feet high. They showed me an "after" photo and the place now looks amazing. 

My only goal and fervent wish is to be able to walk through the forest again.

Who knows?

Perhaps.......perhaps wishes come true.

Love, Jon

A few autumnal paintings by one of my favorite artists John Atkinson Grimshaw (1836 - 1893)


  1. You do sound much better, and more hopeful. I'm so glad you've been able to set up maintenance for your property. It will be great to get back to. And your walking, climbing stairs even, is very cheering to this reader.

  2. I feel stronger and more optimistic than ever before. It is definitely cheering. Thanks!

  3. This is wonderful news! Your rehab team is expanding rehab to your steps, how great is that. Walking and climbing stairs when just a short while ago that wasn't looking possible is very hopeful news indeed!

    1. The rehab team here is really wonderful and extremely helpful. They have me doing things that I never thought possible a few weeks ago.

  4. Ideally a small ramp would make life easier for you, is there any chance the gentlemen could build one ?
    Great news that you found someone to bush hog for you, and it should cease growing now we are into the nesting seasons.
    You are sounding optimistic Jon, it's encouraging !

    1. A small ramp to my back porch would be helpful. I'll see what can be done. It's a joy to see my property looking decent again. I hope the nesting season keeps the brush dormant until spring....

  5. May you walk in the forest many, many times and for many years. Glad to hear you're getting things set up around your home/property to make life easier...and safer. Take care and keep us posted.
    Paranormal John

  6. The outside of my place desperately needed work. The inside is just extremely messy because I couldn't do much for over a year. I want to buy a GOOD carpet cleaner and clean up the junk. My appliances work but they're old. I want a new stove, refrigerator, and clothes dryer.
    Unfortunately I need a part for charging the phone that wasn't included. I have to send for it.

  7. I've almost forgotten what normalcy is like. I'd like to trek through the forest this autumn but it's probably asking for too much. It's good to hear from you, John. I will keep posting updates.

  8. Jon, it's wonderful to hear you sound so positive and optimistic! You should be extremely proud of your progress in rehab; walking and climbing stairs is amazing and puts you that much closer to going home. I worry about you going home with no heat; is it possible to get that fixed/replaced? I'll continue to pray for you and be astounded at your progress!
    Jackie in CA

    1. Last winter I did very well with space heaters, but the furnace does need to be fixed. I've been told it needs to be replaced, but I can't do that now.
      I'm amazed that I'm getting my strength back - slowly but surely.
      Thanks Jackie!

  9. I’m so proud of you Jon⭐️

    1. Thank you so much, Lisa. Hugs to you and the kitties.

  10. I'm fiercely (and foolishly) independent, but it feels wonderful to have much-needed help.

  11. I'm glad you're progressing, perhaps you can be home for halloween.
    Our friend Geo is progressing also, he's posted a few of his steps toward recovery.
    Take care, continue to keep on truckin', as we used to say.

    1. I initially never thought I'd be progressing - this is a milestone for me. I'd love to be home before Halloween, to see the autumn foliage in the forest.
      Geo has been going through a very grueling journey and I wish him the very best.
      Hopefully, we will both keep on truckin'.
      Thanks, Mike!

  12. I love Grimshaw's works!
    More so, that your caregivers/nurses are rallying around, making sure you have a SAFE place to land. And that fellow who brushhogged the weeds. (I believe in angels.)

    PS - Thinking of your Texas 'experience' -- a couple of hours ago our dogs discovered 5 tiny kittens out back. Admittedly, I like them, but have never been a cat person. Color me, at my wit's end; no idea what to do!

  13. It's really a blessing that the people here are intent on having me return to a safe environment. Everyone has been helpful
    I can understand your apprehension over finding the kittens in your yard. Especially if you are partial to dogs. I wonder if a mama cat is around?
    Is there an animal shelter near you? They would probably take the kitties. Otherwise you could advertise free kittens. I realize what a problem this is.
    If I lived near you I would DEFINITELY adopt some. I love Bosco very much, but I want to have more cats around the house.
    Would FedEx deliver kittens? (Smile)
    You're the only one who mentioned the Grimshaw paintings. Thanks!!!

    Do you have any friends who might want kittens or knows somebody else who might?

    1. Perhaps the people at your church might be of help.

  14. Great progress! As you gain strength you are doing more and more! Wonderful news.
    That is great that the nurses hubby's will go and rebuild the steps for you. I agree with whomever that said a ramp would be beneficial as well. Having the yard bush hogged too is good. I pray you can walk through your woods again by next summer, Don't go hog wild trying to do it too soon.
    Hopefully they will extend your rehab another time for you. Wendy

    1. I am cautiously optimistic with my progress. I am feeling stronger. I was evaluated by a case worker and they might be able to extend my insurance. I don't want to be here forever, but I do need a little more time.
      Thanks for your comment!

  15. I meant to mention the Grimshaw paintings, Jon. Beautiful. I'm not familiar with the
    artist and will look into his work. Very moody and autumn is.
    Paranormal John

    1. I really love the. dreamy, autumnal atmosphere that Grimshaw incorporates in his paintings.
      He had a son who was also an artist (I forget his name). Their paintings are similar and sometimes get mixed up on the Internet.

    2. His son was Arthur Grimshaw - artist, composer, and conductor.

  16. I know you deleted your last post (not sure why??) but I wanted to respond about those wonderful nurses.
    Nurses are the heart of the care you get. It's the same with the physical therapists and others who see you all the time--unlike the doctors. There are always a few burned-out types, but on the whole they are the very backbone of the health system. So glad you have got such wonderful ones there. :) :)

    1. Rita, I planned to post that again but wanted to do some heavy editing. Unfortunately I'm presently having health difficulties and a battle with my insurance companies. Will update soon.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.