Sunday, November 12, 2023


Is this really the week that I will be going home ? 

After being away for nearly six (!!!) Incredibly endless months, it doesn't seem remotely possible that this will really happen. I've tried not to think about it very much. I've tried to expunge the thought from my mind, in case It's only a dream and I will awake disappointed.

Despite my morbid apprehension, I decided it would be appropriate to post the rainbow photo.

I took this photo in 2014,  the first year that I lived here. The rainbow appeared over the cow meadow adjacent to my property.

I had nearly forgotten about it until today.

I wish I had some concrete details about my homecoming, but I seem to know as little about it as you do.

I've heard conflicting details from the rehab staff and my physical therapists last week. This present weekend has been an agony of waiting, because I won't learn anything new until tomorrow (Monday).

I have extreme apprehension, infused only with a smidgen of joy. Being home again will be strange and impaired with difficulties due to my physical debilitations. I won't be able to do all the physical things that I used to - - at least for quite awhile.

I will still have medical care, doctor appointments, and other extremely annoying things.

I will also have some help - - which I absolutely despise. I am fiercely independent and value my privacy more than anything. I am extremely stubborn and like to do things myself.

I definitely inherited this from my father. I hate to admit that we shared any similar traits, but it's absolutely true.

I have been (secretly) preparing for my homecoming - - writing lists of what I have to do and what I need to buy.

Foremost, I need to do my annual preperations for the winter. My furnace hasn't worked for three years and I don't have $3000 for a new one.

My usual ritual is to close off the rooms I don't use, and concentrate on heating my bedroom and the kitchen. I hang a blanket over the doorway to the kitchen to hold in the heat. This year, I want to put a curtain rod over the doorway and have a thick curtain rather than a crude blanket.

I have several good space heaters, but I want to get some gas (propane) heaters in case there's a power outage. And candles and kerosene for my oil lamps.

Among the many other things I need is a new laptop. My old one is literally held together with duck tape (no lie).

I've been told by the rehab staff that I'll be given a walker, wheelchair, and other things to perpetuate my mobility.

I've asked if my mail could be delivered to my house, instead of my rural mailbox with is annoyingly far away. Haven't had an answer about this yet.

I haven't been able to fully explain everything about my house and what I need - - so I wrote things down in a letter and gave it to my social worker.

This weekend (today, in fact) my front steps are being repaired.

My house is supposed to be cleaned this week (for $100) and I heard that some kind of pellets (?) will be put down for the influx of mice. I never dared to do that when I had cats around. 

Did I ever mention that I had three snakes in the house (not at the same time) and two possums. And one time I opened the back door and a sparrow flew in!

Excitement in the woods.

I have a lot more to tell, but I'll save it for later. I don't want to be boring.

Wait a minute - - -

me boring???


Thanks for reading this.

                          With love, Jon


  1. I hope you get some good news tomorrow!
    I still worry about you using those space heaters.
    But I know you will be happy to be home. :)

    1. I always try to be very careful with the space heaters. I don't leave them unattended. The ones that I used have been good (thankfully).
      All of the problems with cold weather is so annoying!

  2. I sure hope you can go home this week, Jon. I know it's been a long-awaited event. You've worked hard and need to be rewarded. Just as long as you're safe and have the resources you need...and it sounds like things are lining up. Dear God! Snakes in the house! What kind were they? I know Tennessee has some poisonous snakes. Where did you find them? I think I would have been in New Jersey in about 10 minutes! I would imagine mice would be an issue living in a rural area, especially with cold weather.
    Good luck and keep us posted. Lots of positive thoughts being sent out!
    Paranormal John

    1. It's going to be a long week waiting for Friday! It's almost impossible to believe I've been away since June 1st!!!
      I have no idea if those snakes were poisonous but I don't think so. I know there are rattlesnakes and copperheads around here.
      I was terrified of the first snake, which hissed a lot. But I managed to get him out the front door
      The 2nd snake was in my bedroom(!!!). The 3rd was on a bookshelf. Never a dull moment in the wilderness.
      I'll definitely keep updating.

  3. This week is full of excitement of various kinds! You don't have to get everything done the day you get home! I'm glad there's help available, however much you don't like it. It's not forever. I expect your strength will return, and your confidence with it.

    Aside from all that solemn stuff

    Home! Wheeeeeeee!

    1. The staff here at rehab has been marvelous at preparing things for my safety and wellfare. You're right, I can't do everything at once. It will take time and lots of effort. It's an exciting part of my long journey.

  4. Never boring! Now don't be stubborn, accept the help the way it is meant. It took me awhile to learn this, but once learned I have embraced it. This is good news.

    1. Well, I admittedly feel better knowing that there are people here to help me. I'm so used to doing everything by myself, that it seems strange to have assistance. I'll try not to be stubborn*smile*

  5. Six months is such a long time, but thankfully returning home is soon in sight. Hopefully you can get your heating situation sorted before the cold weather sets in, those pipes are vulnerable as you already know. Have you checked into your local power company, in our area they offer new units with monthly payments through your electric provider, also insulation packages, it may be worth checking into.
    Take what help is available to you, and keep climbing that ladder to good health.
    You have come so far my friend, I am so proud of you !

    1. I should be rejoicing, since I honestly never thought I would ever make it back home. At this point in my journey, every day is a treasure.
      I never thought of checking with my power company but it's a good idea. Frozen water pipes are absolutely my biggest fear in winter. I had one pipe burst the first winter that I lived here and it was a nightmare.
      I'll keep climbing the ladder to good health! Thanks, Jo.

  6. That rainbow is so pretty, it almost doesn't look real! I'm so happy for you, counting down the hours. I've probably got the equivalent of a PhD in list-making, so I can identify with your processes. Deep breaths and baby steps!

    1. That rainbow appeared after a big storm just at sunset. The light looked surrealistic.
      I have been notorious for making lists most of my life. They supress my apprehension and assist my sometimes erroneous memory.
      I never dreamed I'd be going home again. I should be on my knees giving thanks....but I presently can't bend that far....*big smile*.

  7. If you use the propane heaters, do have good ventilation...the new good ones don't have much in problems with carbon monoxide, but do require good ventilation.
    Perhaps your mail can be delivered by those coming to your house for other reasons? Delivery, home care, etc?
    I'd be anxious too, having been gone 5 months, it's natural. But, I believe you'll do well, and will fine over a short time you're able to do much more.
    Good luck, Jon. Thinking of you.

    1. Thanks for the warning about ventilation - I will be careful.
      Mike, your advice and continual caring has been an immense help during this horrible ordeal, and I'm truely greatful for it.
      Thank you for being here, and I hope you'll stay for my future updates.

  8. It is scary, Donna, and I'm genuinely apprehensive about it. Fortunately there are a lot of people who now know I'm here, and I will be having some help at home. My two physical therapists are going to give me their phone numbers and plan to keep in touch.
    Hopefully things will be a little safer for me than before.

  9. Thats great news that you will be getting out soon!!!!! But I think you should take any help if it's offered. You don't want to overdo it, and wind back up in rehab again friend. Take it easy. As far as the furnace, without prying, can you get one and go on a monthly payment plan to pay it in installments? I fear just how cold it may get there.

    But the big question....Are you excited about a reunion with Bosco?!?!?! I bet he will be happy to see you! I still can't believe it's been six months since you left home.

    1. I thought about getting a furnace via installments, but I need other things that are more important to me (I know that sounds foolish). The space heaters and gas heaters work surprisingly well. Fortunately my place is very small and doesn't take much to heat (in Texas I had a huge house).

      It will feel very strange to go home after nearly six months(!!!). And I'm really looking forward to have a reunion with Bosco.
      BTW - I loved your Halloween cards....thanks!

  10. Replies
    1. That's what I said when I saw the first snake in my house. But I eventually got used to them.
      I think.

    2. I was afraid of the first snake, but I evicted the other two kindly and bravely...

  11. Hi Jon, I have been following your blog posts, even when we were traveling, and know how excited you are becoming at the prospect of returning to your home soon. Like your other blogger friends, I do hope that all will go well in that certain repairs can be done and that you will have some help. I appreciate your keeping us all posted.

    1. I am trying to get things in some kind of order so I can get my home is a liveable order. I will supposedly go home on Monday the 20th. I will post updates when I can.
      Many thanks for the recent card and sweet photo!


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.