Tuesday, October 22, 2024


October is slipping away too quickly and I haven't had time to savor the golden days that I love.

The first two weeks were tainted with medical tests and doctors. I should be rejoicing and thanking God on my knees - - because the PET scan revealed no trace of cancer. Remember, last year the medical experts told me that hope was futile and I would die.

Why do I suddenly have no positive feelings, no sense of gratitude? I'm in a sullen mood. An abstract void. I've always been an enigma - - an infuriating dichotomy along the trail of life.

Is it trail....or trial? 

Let's change the subject.

This past week has been marred by wild animal woes. I've already written a post about the invasion of young possums in my house. There must have been half a dozen. I have no clue how they got inside. Every time I chased one out the door, another one would appear. It was like magic of the macabre.

I usually have nerves of steel, but two days ago I got an extremely unpleasant surprise.

I was eating dinner at the kitchen table, while watching a YouTube video on my laptop.

Suddenly - - -

Suddenly, there was a possum ON THE TABLE right by my dinner plate!!!!!

I shrieked. We scared each other. As I tried to jump up, he tried to jump on my shoulder. He missed and landed on the floor. I grabbed a broom and managed to chase him out the back door.

This was the limit. I searched the house and sealed every crack that might be a portal for possum entries.

Then.....I discovered that the culprits can easily squeeze through the space at the bottom of doors! I temporarily blocked all the spaces with cardboard - - until I can buy some door bottom sealers.

Speaking of buying......

(notice my smooth transitions)

Yesterday I ordered a lot of groceries from Walmart. They were delivered in less than two hours. In order to appease my sullen mood, I bought two pies - - pumpkin and caramel apple.

One of the great joys of living alone is that I can eat whatever and whenever I want.

Pizza at midnight. Peanut butter for breakfast. An overdose of ice cream.


I still desperately want to adopt a cat. I've been stalling because I'm in the process of cleaning the house and renovating the kitchen.

The possum invasion has temporarily impeded my progress. And stifled my enthusiasm. Cats will have to wait until my house is clean and possum-free.


For the past week I've had a horrific bout of hay fever. The pollen is unusually intense lately. Kinda strange. I've lived here for ten years and never had hay fever.

The autumn foliage is finally bursting with color. Late this season.

I am extremely frustrated because I'm unable to walk in the forest, due to my cursed physical disabilities. My annual October treks in the wilderness were my greatest joy.

I am humiliated because I've only been able to take photos from the front porch.

Well, that's better than nothing.

My next few posts will probably be inspired by Halloween. Scary stuff. Ghosts, maybe?

I'm certain that your excitement has no bounds.

Jon, eternally yours

The front "yard"

By the garage


  1. Maybe a cat would help chase off possums.. I hear you on longing to
    walk in the woods.

    1. I'm afraid that possums might chase the cat - - although they are usually timid creatures.
      I'm yearning to walk in the woods. Perhaps I'll drink some moonshine and wander off....

  2. I have a pie suggestion. Edward’s key lime pie from the frozen food section. I don’t even like lime, but I love this pie. I just open the box, slice the frozen pie with a pizza cutter and put the pie back in the freezer. Then just grab a slice from time to time.

    And, ice cream. Talenti Gelato Layers. Specifically, salted caramel truffle. A bit pricey, but so worth it. Only comes in pints, I believe.

    One more thing…the guy I recommended on TikTok who does the LA street thing. He has been in Hawaii for a couple of weeks, but is back out doing live street things in the middle of the night.

    1. I've only had key lime pie once and I really liked it. I'll probably add it to my grocery list. And I liked your suggestion for ice cream.
      I'll look forward for the TikTok guy returning to L.A.

  3. That possum-on-the-table episode sounds like a televised comedy sketch ... but I'm sure there was nothing funny about it. I've only seen one "in person" ... that appeared in the waste basket of Tom's shop. (City Girl here thought it was a rat.)
    I ditto Pudge450's suggestion about the frozen keylime pie! Go ahead and eat whatever you want, whenever. No rules!

    1. Actually my possum dinner guest was funny. He was kinda cute......but they indeed resemble rats. Surprises in the wilderness never end.
      Keylime pie seems tropical rather than autumnal....but it will be on my lidt.

    2. Your life is a movie, Jon. Sounds like it anyway! (Psst. Is this the part where the opossum joins him for dinner? Shh!)

    3. Not how I see it. It is a story of heroic triumph.

  4. Well now, that is something I can live the rest of my life never experiencing....a possum on the table eating off my plate! Fingers crossed you have solved the problem. I believe life is both a trail and a trial, often at the same time. And yes, my excitement does have no bounds!

    1. I've never had a possum for a dinner guest, but I suppose it's better than a snake.
      (the local hillbillies eat possum stew).
      Heck, life is mostly a trial.
      I'm delighted that your excitement has no bounds

  5. Good Lord! That must have been quite the shock! Hopefully under the doors was the final entrance point.
    Please don't wander off into the woods! There's a lot more than possums out there and rough ground is easy to trip you.
    So glad you are getting groceries now!! Happy pie eating!

    1. I've had a snake in my bedroom a few years ago. Now it's a possum joining me for dinner. What's next??
      I won't go off into the woods. I had enough trouble there when I was able to walk.
      I'm absolutely delighted to get groceries delivered! It's really a blessing.

  6. Do you have coyotes around your area? They are a reason the opossums might be seeking shelter...they are a fav food for coyotes.
    I seldom go to Walmart, I dread the crowds and the people there. Snobbish for sure...but the reason I go is they are one of the few stores that often has frozen ducks. I love duck, but few stores carry them.
    I second Pudge's suggestion about Key Lime pie...I love them, and have tried to make one, the ones at some stores are much better. Not sure about Walmart's.
    Cheers, here's hoping for a continued nice autumn.

    1. There are lots of coyotes here. They come around frequently late at night. Also sometimes wild dogs and hogs.
      I've always hated shopping at Walmart (you're not snobbish).
      It's SO much easier shopping online. I had no idea that they have frozen ducks.
      I only had Key Lime pie once, but I liked it. I will try it again.

  7. Jon, a great dessert are Marie Callender banana and chocolate cream pies, Ralphs/ Kroger and Stater Bros have great ones as well. A good inexpensive dessert is cherry Jell-O with whipped cream, just add one cup boiling water make sure the Jello powder dissolves completely then add and stir in one cup cold water, refrig overnite and enjoy with a dolop of whipped cream from a can.

    1. Jello was popular when I was a child. Unfortunately the popularity seems to have waned.
      I still like it. It's easy to prepare, and definitely best when topped with canned whip cream (much better than Cool Whip).
      I like all of Marie Callender frozen food - especially chicken pot pies.

  8. Oh Lord! Was that possum attempting to attack you when it went for your shoulder? I've read that they have poor eyesight. Nonetheless, I'd be on the next plane out of the country! You're a brave man living in such a rural area. Of course, living in the city is even scarier. Worse things than hogs and coyote's lurking around. Glad Walmart is coming through. My Mom used to make key lime pie, and it was good. I had it in Key West and I thought it was lousy there. I think that's where it originated. Hope a kitty or two finds its way to your home ASAP.
    Paranormal John

    1. The possums are usually timid and not aggressive. I think he was just trying to get off the table - - but I wasn't exactly thrilled when he headed for me.
      I've learned to tolerate the perils of rural living, but having a brood of young possums invading my house is EXTREMELY stressful.
      I always think of key lime pie as a summer treat. Somehow I prefer pumpkin pie in autumn.
      I'm really eager to get a feline friend.
      And I'm more than eager to banish the pesky possums!!

  9. The perils of country living are ongoing, Jon, hopefully raccoons will not be a future house “guests.” While they may look cuter than possums they’re very destructive. Have you considered contacting a pest extermination company which could possibly find the entry source and prevent future unwanted dinner guests. I would not want to share the pizza, pie and ice cream…pumpkin is a favorite with whipped cream topping😋

    1. I've had some trouble with raccoons in the past, but fortunately they've never been in the house (not yet, anyway).
      I would like to contact an extermination company, but it's a financial impossibility. I hardly have enough money to afford food.
      I love anything made of pumpkin - - pie bread, cookies, and ice cream!


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.