Thursday, February 27, 2020






I've met a lot of famous people when I lived in California and I've written about some of my encounters on previous blog posts - - John Wayne, Sonny and Cher, Groucho Marx, Ronald Reagan, Ann Miller, Liza Minnelli, Joan Rivers, Shelley Winters, Raquel Welch......and that's only a few. 
I haven't even mentioned the porn stars (no, I'm not kidding).

The great thing about Hollywood (at least when I lived there) was that it was fairly easy to cross paths with famous people. And I knew many extremely colorful characters who knew famous people. The connections were everywhere. At the time, it was exciting and I loved it. 

Despite all the celebrities I met, I still think the most about the two that got away. Two people whom I desperately wanted to meet but never did. Incredibly, they were both listed in the L.A. phone book:
Actress Mae West and Maria Rasputin - daughter of Grigory Rasputin, the infamous Russian monk who knew Tsar Nicholas II.

 I still have the old L.A. phone book

Maria Rasputin was a colorful character in her own right - a former governess, cabaret dancer, and long-time circus lion tamer.
She soothed the wild beasts with her mesmeric eyes.

She was indeed listed in the phone book (trust me, there aren't many Rasputins in the white pages....). She lived in obscurity in a modest place on Larissa near the Hollywood Freeway. 
I staked out her residence numerous times hoping to get a glimpse of her, but I never did. She was already in her late 70s then and died a short time later.

Since she was listed in the phone book, I regret not calling her. I was a heckuva lot more brash in my youth than I am now. But - - let's be rational here - - I didn't know what to say.
What's a good opening line when you want to talk to Rasputin's daughter?
"Hey, I was a big fan of your father".....??

Maria Rasputin

Mae West. Film star legend. Hollywood icon. I was an immensely huge Mae West fan back then and really wanted to meet her, but she was already in her 80s and led a reclusive life.

Ironically, one of my close friends and fellow musician Anton had met her (I wrote about Anton in a previous blog post - his sister Clara wanted to marry me).
Anton's encounter with Mae West happened long ago when he was about twelve years old. His mother was doing some sort of Hollywood charity work and Mae West was involved. They were both invited to West's apartment. Anton, at that time, had never heard of  Mae West and wasn't particularly interested. He remembered that the apartment living room was decorated entirely in white and he said Mae West was very alluring.

Ravenswood Apartments on Rossmore
Long-time residence of Mae West

Mae West had lived in the same Hollywood apartment building for over forty-five years - - in fact, she had a lifetime lease. It was called Ravenswood and is located on north Rossmore, only a few blocks from Paramount Studios on Melrose (where she worked during her heyday). Incidentally, West's apartment number was 611.

I initially thought that Mae West owned Ravenswood, but she didn't. Ravenswood was built by Paramount Studios in 1930 and had once housed such famous residents as Clark Gable and Ava Gardner.

One day I was driving and my car broke down directly in front of Ravenswood. It hadn't dawned on me where I was until I looked up and saw the big Ravenswood sign on the roof.

Holy crap! Mae West lives here! I was astonished and delighted that fate had unceremoniously dumped me right in front of her abode.

There's no satisfactory resolution to this story because I never did meet Mae West. I did my best to get a glimpse of her but to no avail.
In retrospect this sounds crazy, but on several later occasions (usually at night) I would sit on a wall across the street and gaze at Mae West's windows.

West had been listed in the L.A. phone book for many years. When she was younger she actually answered the phone and talked to her fans (imagine any star doing that nowadays!).

Despite my reluctance to call Maria Rasputin, I did call Mae West's number several times. I talked to her long-time companion Paul Novak, who was a former body builder and had been one of several muscle-bound pretty boys featured in West's Las Vegas show.

Novak was thirty years younger than West. It was rumored that they had been lovers, but I have my doubts (for reasons that I won't disclose here). Paul was kind and easy to talk to. He told me that Mae was very deaf and no longer spoke on the phone (I already assumed that, because I'd heard of all the trouble she had with her hearing while she was making the movie Myra Breckinridge).

Like a sappy jackass, I wrote a humorous poem and fan letter and sent it to West. Paul said that he'd make sure she got it. She did. Within a few days I received a letter and signed photo from Mae. I still have it.  

Mae West, in later years, with Paul Novak (Paul is on the left)


  1. That was an interesting read, Jon. You have such happy memories and I enjoy reading about your experience amongst the stars. Lucky you, eh?

    1. When I was young and experiencing all these adventures, I never thought about being fortunate. Now, in retrospect, I appreciate the fact that I had these unusual opportunities. Glad you enjoyed reading it.

  2. I had never heard of Maria Rasputin, but she sounds like a very interesting person. I never thought about "The" Rasputin having descendants. Duh.

    Mae West was a great entertainer. I always make sure I watch any of her movies that they show on TCM, or any other channel. The delivery on her wisecracks and comments was priceless. Amazing that you spoke with someone as close to her as Paul Novak when you dialed her phone number. A couple of the things I really miss about years past, being able to actually find someone's telephone number (only phone solicitors and current best friends know people's phone numbers now), and speaking to a person instead of a machine when you call.

    1. I'm glad I lived in Hollywood at a time when things were still interesting. Everything has changed drastically since then.

      Rasputin had three legitimate children (and probably many illegitimate ones). His daughter Maria had two children of her own, and also grandchildren - so I assume there are still Rasputin descendants somewhere.

      Mae West was truly one-of-a-kind. As you said, her screen delivery and wisecracks were priceless. Her personality was fascinating. In real life she never drank or smoked, and she stayed away from the Hollywood scene.

  3. I'm tickled to think that stars were listed in the phone book and actually answered their phones and would talk to fans. Crazy to imagine that, but those were times when people weren't obsessive and just genuinely appreciated talent I suppose.

    I'm impressed with your signed photo of Mae West. Talk about a legend!

    1. From what I heard, Mae West's phone number was listed for many years - but I don't think very many people knew about it. Things have changed so drastically nowadays.
      When I moved to Tennessee much of my Hollywood memorabilia was "lost". I'm so glad that I still have the photo from Mae West.

  4. Sorry to read that you never got to meet either of these women, Jon. I have only seen a few of Ms. West’s films, and a lot of clips, online. She was quite a character in them and I wonder if her personality was just the same. Amazing that she and Maria Rasputin were listed in the phone directory. I wonder how many performers ever did that and since. Nice that you received a reply to your poem.

    1. Mae West had an extremely unique and fascinating on-screen personality, but most of it was just an act. Off-screen she was a very private person who never liked the Hollywood scene. But she really did love her fans.

      When I lived in Hollywood I had heard that Rasputin's daughter also lived there. One day, just for fun, I checked the phone book to see if she was listed - and I was shocked to discover that she was!

  5. Nevertheless, I find this fascinating -- particularly Ms. Rasputin's relationship with Ringling's big cats. I'm actually a bit envious!
    That's crazy about both ladies' phone numbers being listed; gosh, I wonder what your phone directory would be worth today?!

    1. During her circus career, Maria was mauled by one of those lions but I don't know how seriously she was injured. Anyway, it didn't stop her from performing with them.
      I'm surprised that I still have that phone book. There are quite a few famous people listed in it....perhaps it's a collector's item.

  6. My older daughter lived in Santa Monica and then West Hollywood for 6 years, and saw several well-known people out walking their dog or in a coffee shop, but they look like regular people these days. So, they're hard to spot. She didn't really care anyway because she's not into that. I am, so I would have loved it.

    1. You're right - there are many celebrities lurking around Hollywood who would never be recognized. I've personally seen a few of them who really looked like slobs in real (perhaps they use that as a deliberate ploy to remain anonymous).
      I was always fascinated with the celebrities - but most especially the older icons like Mae West.

  7. Hollywood was a really interesting place in its heyday.
    Have you seen the movie Once Upon A Time In Hollywood?

    1. I'm glad that I knew Hollywood when there was still a smidgen of the golden days left. It has changed drastically since then.
      I haven't seen "Once Upon A Time in Hollywood", but I did see the movie trailer. It looks interesting.

  8. Times have changed. Stars these days would never be listed in a phone book. Opps, I they even exist anymore???

    I have long adored Mae West and use many of her quotes...weekly.

    1. I think phone books are nearly passe - but I still one every year here in rural Tennessee.
      Mae West was so unique and fascinating - truly a Hollywood icon. They don't make 'em like that any more...
      And I always enjoy your MW quotes.

  9. Jon- I love reading your blogs, especially those like today's... thanks for sharing!

    1. Louise, it's always great to get positive feedback (it boosts my sagging ego). Thanks for being there!

  10. We still have a Baltimore telephone book from the late '60s, but I doubt if there's anybody famous listed in there. :) It's cool that you still have the one from Hollywood, and even cooler that stars like Mae West were included in it. If there are any modern-day stars with that kind of glamour and personality, I don't know about her.

    It's beyond terrific that you have that signed photo. My only disappointment here? You didn't include your poem in the post! :)

    Have a terrific weekend, cowboy.

  11. Susan, I somehow accidentally deleted my reply to your comment - I seem to have a knack for making things disappear.
    It's difficult to believe how much we used to rely on phone books long ago. I'm sure the Hollywood book listed more interesting people than other places. For instance, Jayne Mansfield's husband Mickey Hargitay was listed (after her death).

    As for my Mae West poem, I never kept a copy of it - - which is probably a good thing, since I was a lousy poet back then.


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