Wednesday, July 6, 2022



Against my better judgment, I'm rehashing Part Two of my 2013 Texas interview (Part One is on a previous post)

parts of this will be offensive.....but, heck, that's part of my charm.          Jon


Interviewer (Douglas Elliot)
Do you believe in miracles?

Jon (laughing):
The first thing that comes to mind is Kathryn Kuhlman the evangelist. Do you remember her? She used to begin all her TV shows with the question "Dooo yew beeLEEAVE-AH in MEERACLES?" It was hilarious. She stretched out "believe" into about six syllables.

I do indeed remember her.

She was based in Santa Ana, wasn't she?  Dino Kartsonakis used to be her pianist. I thought the guy was gay as a lark. He's married now and lives in Branson, MO. I've been to Branson numerous times. Not because of Dino.

Kuhlman believed in miracles. Do you ?

A miracle can be anything that we fancy it to be. It's a miracle I could get up this morning after only two hours of sleep. It'll be a bigger miracle if I can ever sell my friggin' Texas house. Life is filled with the persistence of imaginary miracles. It's what keeps us going.

You've often said that writing keeps you going. Expound.

Writing, for me, is a great catharsis - an emotional outlet. I couldn't live without it. I express myself far better through the written word than through verbal communication.

Where did you get your start writing? Where have you been published?

I suppose I first got interested in creative writing when I was eleven or twelve. My 7th grade English teacher Mr. Taylor used to make us write weekly essays and then force us read them in front of the class. Mine were always the most unusual - and the funniest. I inevitably made Taylor laugh, and he was a notorious sourpuss. That was in Dale Junior High, Anaheim, California. I eventually became the editor of my high school newspaper - in another school - and later worked for the local city newspaper. Hell, I was only sixteen.

And later you became a freelance writer.

It was a long and tedious process. I initially yearned to see just one of my efforts in print. I eventually had about 70 poems published in literary journals and magazines. When I was in my early 20's, an editor from Grosset and Dunlap happened to see some of my published poems and requested to see more samples for the possibility of publishing a poetry book. Being brutally - and perhaps foolishly - honest, I told him that I didn't have enough good poems worthy of a book.

Soon I started writing stories for true confession magazines - a genre that is now passe. Later I advanced to porn sleaze. I wrote lots of erotic stories for adult magazines - under various pseudonyms, of course. I'm not exactly proud of these literary endeavors, but it was easy money. And kinda fun. When I made the cover of Screw Magazine, I knew I was a star.

Finally I started publishing legitimate articles. True West, Wild West, The New Jersey Monthly, The Atlantic Monthly. I wrote an enormous amount of things for movie magazines. I was published in The Hollywood Reporter, Movie Star News, Classic Images, Movie Collector's World, and a lot more. Strange that I can't even remember half of them now.
Thanks to the popularity of the Internet, real magazines have lost their potency.

Does that make you bitter?

Not bitter. Pissed. 

How has writing changed since you first started out?

It has changed drastically, especially after everyone became computerized and electronic books came into vogue. It's a different world now - - and not necessarily a better one. I miss doing long hours of library research. I miss sitting at the ol' portable typewriter and sending genuine manuscripts to real editors.

I paid my dues by going through the old system of being published - - having my work evaluated by professionals and gaining the respect of editors. I'm very proud of that.

Today it's a friggin' free-for-all. Everyone is a - quote - "writer".  Standards and ethics have been greatly diminished. The talented are often being usurped by the untalented. The old school is dead and buried. Wow, I'm undoubtedly sounding like a fossilized relic.

You're far from being fossilized. 

Actually, the standards of the so-called legitimate world of publishing have eroded lately. Some of today's best selling books sorely indicate that the true art of editing has become lax...or in many cases non-existent. Grammatical errors, typos, and poorly-crafted published manuscripts abound.

What are some of the most exciting things you've done? 

With writing?

No. Exciting in general. Unusual stuff.

Excitement manifests itself on many different levels. I could never comprehend narrowing it down to one thing. Excitement can be spiritual as well as sexual.

I've done a helluva lot of exciting things in my time. Some were forced upon me by happenstance - - like surviving a tornado in Missouri that was less than a mile from my house. Or my very close-up encounter with a mountain lion in Nevada.

Most of my exciting adventures were voluntary - like the time I sailed solo to Catalina Island with very little nautical experience. That was exciting. Or when I lived alone on the beach in Baja. I was actually hiding out from an irate ex-lover.

I got an adrenaline rush of excitement the time I was in a car with a naked actor after midnight in Hollywood and a cop pulled us over. I jumped out, leaped over a fence, and never looked back. Luckily I was clothed. Happened in an alley near Santa Monica Boulevard. Behind the Circus of Books. You remember that bookstore?

Sure. It's still there.

My entire life has been fraught - or perhaps enhanced - with various degrees of excitement. The more I ponder, the more I remember.

Your adventures in Hollywood were a big part of your life, weren't they?

Perhaps not a big part, but definitely an incredibly wonderful part. I was young, hot, and adventurous. And easy. Those were fantastic years.

When I was young, Hollywood was an entirely different place than it is now - even though it wasn't really so long ago. The Hollywood I knew was real and raw and a lot of the old gilded edges still shone through the tarnish.

Nowadays the entire place seems to have been taken over by outsiders, newbies, and foreigners - who have absolutely no concept of the past and no desire to maintain it. Hollywood has been whitewashed - - rendered into a sanitized, upscale, Disneyesque parody of what it once was. I'm thankful that I knew it when the place was real.

Was Hollywood ever really real?

Well, that's a matter of debate.

Is it true that you were a street hustler?

(nervous laugh)
You must have been talking to some of my satisfied customers. I was very street-wise but not a hustler.  In retrospect I was far too nice. And generous. I sometimes regret not putting a price on pleasure. I suppose I was a coward with a healthy fear of vice cops.
I actually sweet-talked my way out of a sticky situation with a vice cop once. Happened in a notorious cruising alley behind Melrose. 

I'd love to hear about that one.

You won't. But the dude left smiling.  
You crack me up. 
Who are some of the famous people that you've met?

I was privileged to have met many famous people when I lived in California. Rattling off random names seems so - - I don't know - - pompous. It was no big deal. And it was all so long ago.
Live dangerously. Be pompous.

My mind is getting muddled in my declining years. Let's see. Here are a random few: Groucho Marx, Shelley Winters, Ann-Margret, Ann Miller, John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, Sonny and Cher.
 Uh, Patty Duke, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Frampton, Liza Minnelli, Ronald Reagan, Raquel Welch, Burt Reynolds, Joan Rivers, George Burns....there are really so many that I couldn't possibly list them all.
Hey, I saw Mick Jagger's luggage once, at the Continental Hyatt House.

That used to be the in  hotel in Beverly Hills. What were you doing there?

It was the in-hotel for wayward rock stars, that's for sure. I saw the Led Zeppelin entourage there. Rumor hazzit they rode motorcycles on the 8th floor. A female hooker accosted me in the lobby of the Hyatt House one afternoon.

Did you, uh, hook up with her?

Are you kidding? No way! Anyway, she was probably a vice cop. I looked so sweet and innocent back then.
Hey, speaking of hotels, I remember the time Ethel Merman was staying at the old Roosevelt Hotel on Hollywood Blvd. and she stormed downstairs one night yelling "What the f**k is this extra six dollars on my bill?"

Ethel Merman?

Yup. She sure as hell never needed a microphone. 

How did you manage to meet so many famous people?

I had a fantastic network of friends when I lived in Hollywood. It was surprisingly easy when you know somebody who knows everybody. At parties, in restaurants, on movie sets. I suppose I was privileged. Strangely enough, at the time, I didn't think much about it. Now, in retrospect, I think it's pretty damn neat.

You once mentioned that you had a chance to be in porn movies.

Well, I knew a notoriously successful director of gay porn flicks who wanted me to audition.

And did you? Audition?

Hell, no. I heroically spared the perverted, sex-hungry public from ever being exposed to my undercover talents.    

Did you have sex with any famous people?

Hey, I seldom kiss and tell - but I will admit I've screwed a few actors.

So, you're a "top"? (laughing)

I'm anything you want me to be, if I'm drunk enough. Let's not get too personal.
While on the subject of screwing - I've known a few actors who were screwed by their agents. There's humor in that - - somewhere.

Not for the actors.
Where are some of the most unusual places you've had sex?

Are you kidding? This interview is sliding into a sewer. If I answer that I'm going to look sleazy. My fabricated sterling image will be tarnished forever.

Well, just give a few random examples. For the sake of posterity.

Very funny. Half the time I was so soused that I don't remember where I had sex. Or with whom. Let's see.....I'm thinking hard.....Well, here's one for the records. I once had sex with a priest on the altar of a Catholic church. I'm not kidding. It was in Long Beach. Late at night. You want the name of the church?

Good heavens, no.

Heck, it was long ago.  I've had sex in the Hollywood Memorial Cemetery, near the mausoleum where Rudolph Valentino is ensconced. They have since renamed that place the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. Really tacky.

I had sex two different times under two different grand pianos. One was a $60,000 Bosendorfer Grand. I also played that piano.

Which happened first? Did you play the piano first, or have sex first?

You know, I can't remember. I think I played first....and it led to sex. Sometimes my playing is irresistible.

Let's switch gears......

Not a moment too soon.

Let's talk a little about your music career.

Being under the piano was only a very small part of my music career.

Name some of the places where you've performed.

Holy crap - - where to begin? I often performed with chamber orchestras, choirs, and I accompanied soloists - - in Los Angeles County, Orange County, Riverside County, San Diego. I remember giving a series of concerts with a chamber group in Ojai and Santa Barbara.

I performed at the L.A. Music Center during a Christmas concert. I was a harpsichordist. I performed at UCLA and USC.
I played a piano concerto at Cal State Fullerton. I played at churches. And a few restaurants and cafes in Hollywood. There was a bar called Main Street in Laguna Beach where I played briefly. The singer there was a black woman named April. That was ages ago. Nowadays I play for my cats.

Do you miss those days?

Immensely. I miss everything about my youth except my naivety and carelessness. I yearn for my past because it was so starkly different from the mundane present.

You were an extremely colorful character.

I'm still a character but now I'm sort of monochromatic. A bland, blase shadow of my former self, existing in a hopelessly uninspiring West Texas ghost of a town.

Is everything lost?

Just about. But I still have my imagination, my memories, and smidgens of hope. Only smidgens.

This interview was conducted in Lubbock, Texas in 2013.
A few of these questions were printed out of original sequence and some others were omitted.
There is a Part Three to this interview - but I have no intention of ever posting it.


  1. Aw, you know I don't scare off that easily. I love hearing about your early creative writing efforts ... how they evolved into serious prose. Totally agree with your take on today's publishing world. No doubt there are cemeterys full of Real editors spinning in their graves.
    Miracles? On my good days I believe we're all miracles.

    1. I really miss writing and being published - - and having genuine relationships with my editors. It was a lot of hard work, and the pay wasn't always good, but it gave me a sense of satisfaction. Even more so than music, I think.

      I'm glad this interview didn't shock you into oblivion. When I think back of the things I did, I often shock myself.

  2. Fascinating! It reminds me of my youth, but not nearly as glamourous as a Hollywood setting. I look back now and wonder how the hell I survived that! Surely there's a book in there, Jon. I'd love to read Part III but respect your privacy. I love your humor, sarcasm and honesty.
    Paranormal John

    1. Finally! Someone who understands me! There are many times when I look back and am astonished at the things I did. And (as you said) it truly is a miracle that I survived. I'm not exactly proud of my unconventional youthful antics - - but I have no regrets. I definitely have enough adventures for a memoir......or maybe two....
      Thanks for your input, John!

  3. I wasn't shocked at all, Jon, and, in fact, thoroughly enjoyed hearing more of your life story. The extent of your writing and the number of publications really impressed me, but wasn't surprising because despite your sarcasm and what you consider "shock" value you are a very expressive writer and it shows at least to myself and others who read your posts. My writing background was only for weekly publications and in corporations. Yours sounds far more exciting, believe me. If you ever decided to publish Part 3, I will read it.

    Thanks for letting me know that you received my email about not being able to post a comment on a previous post. I retried and it worked. Yes, blogger is "flukey" and still giving me fits every now and then, but I persist and glad you are as well.

    1. I was always curious about your writing background, Dorothy, because your blog posts are always so well-researched and well-written. I suspected that you had probably been published.
      I'm glad that my youthful antics didn't shock you. As I previously said - I'm not exactly proud of the things I did, yet I'm glad I had all the unique adventures.

      The seemingly endless Blogger glitches never fail to exasperate me. Anyway, I'm glad you're able to post comments again.

    2. Thanks, Jon, for your compliment on my writing. Unlike yourself, my published articles were not in magazines, only newspapers. Researching something and then writing ab out it are enjoyable to me. I suspect the same is true for you, my friend and despite your concern about limited readership, there are those among us who are amazed at your very unique adventures.

  4. I have a little bit of a writing background (posted on my other blog) and have had a smattering of free style poetry published--nothing like your resume, that's for sure. Your adventures are wilder than mine--or at least more sexual--ROFL! I have many stories I have never written about. But my life has not been dull. (Maybe that is why I am so appreciative of my quiet, peaceful days now--LOL!)

    I don't think I have written about the time I was summoned by the leader of a local biker gang--he sent two of the members to find me and bring me to him. I was 18, living on the street that summer of 1969--so I'd stay awake all night and sleep in the park during the day. The leader guy had just seen me around, I guess. The two guys drove their big motorcycles up to the local drive-in restaurant (where somebody had bought me an ice cream cone--people were nice like that). Anyways, they convinced me to go with them because otherwise they would get beaten up by this leader guy and I felt sorry for them. (Too trusting--absolutely--but also didn't think it mattered what happened to me, anyways, to be honest.) They said we were going to The Barn and gave me the impression it was a big party. Yah! Just me and a biker gang--all males--about 12-15 of them that I saw but there were more up at the farmhouse. They were just drinking from a huge keg in the loft of this barn in the middle of nowhere out in the country. I just hung out with them. Chatted with a few of them.

    Well, the leader guy saw me walking with four guys who were trying to show genuinely interested me who asked to see the farm by the light of the moon. (The two guys never went to tell him they found me and probably for good reason.) The leader guy immediately barreled drunkenly through everyone, pushed me forcefully back, pinned me up against the side of the barn and started groping me! But--people are good--the two escort guys and two others I had been hanging out with for the last half an hour pulled him off of me. A fight ensued and the leader guy got cold cocked by one of the four nice guys who were defending me. Fell flat on his back in the weeds beside the barn--out cold. They laughed nervously and said they really hoped he was too drunk to remember what happened in the morning.

    I spent the night laughing and chatting--had a wonderful time with the biker gang up in the loft. Well, about half a dozen of them hung around my corner of the loft, anyways. One other guy got very drunk and angry about something--started tossing all the furniture out the big hayloft door--old sofas and stuffed chairs that had seen much better days and some of those big wire spools that can be used for tables. I felt perfectly safe with my big brother entourage around me and we found it quite amusing.

    Before dawn one of the two guys who had picked me up drove me back to the drive-in in town before the leader woke up. (Yes, he had slept there all night on his back snoring in the weeds.) My first times on a motorcycle. I wish I could remember names. Can't even remember the name of the biker gang--which I didn't know existed until that night. You should have seen people's faces, though, when I told them about my adventure later. They had obviously heard of them if I hadn't--LOL! Anyways, I thanked him and his friends for being so good to me, gave him a peck on the cheek goodbye, and headed for the park to sleep.

    So things you reveal don't exactly shock me, Jon. I am not as sheltered as I may seem to be now as an old lady--LOL! Sorry to go on but for some reason my night with the biker gang came to mind when I was reading of your Hollywood adventures. :)

    1. Rita, thanks for taking the time to write this wonderfully interesting comment. It initially was almost lost, because for some reason it was sent to my spam file. I'm glad I didn't delete it!

      I'm sure you have a surplus of stories to tell. It must have been absolutely horrible to be homeless and sleeping in a park. When you mentioned that the leader of the motorcycle gang summoned you, I feared for the worst. The thought of you being alone with all those guys in the middle of nowhere is terrifying. I'm really amazed that they turned out to be good and really cared for your welfare. You could easily have been a "dead duck"!

      Anyway, I'm glad you shared this.
      As you said - after having a wild, dangerous youth, it's comforting to have some blessed peace now. I feel the same way.

  5. I very much enjoyed this interview - sassy yet classy! A real shame that you won't be re-posting Part three. :(

    1. I was initially very hesitant to post it - I have a (bad) habit of saying too much. But every word is true and I think my wild, unconventional adventures are worth sharing. I don't know if any of it is "classy", but I'll admit that it's "sassy".
      These interviews are very long. I honestly don't think I'll post part three........
      ....but, who knows??

    2. LOL! The reason I used the word "classy" is because you only allowed the interviewer to go so far until you politely stopped it from going any further. :-)

    3. FINALLY, Your shady past has been revealed. ( enough, anyway..) My wife will find this post Very Interesting.. I shall leave it at that for the moment. And we shall allow her imagination to run wild.

    4. This is only a fraction of my shady past - - just enough to whet curious appetites (*smile*). I should probably dedicate this post to your wife. She seems to be one of my silent fans...

  6. Part two was worth the wait. My appetite is whet!

    1. I'm glad to know that you survived part two. I probably left some people speechless.

  7. You have lead a VERY INTERESTING life Jon. Wow. Someday you have to go back to your old haunts in Hollywood. Thanks for sharing this interview.

    1. I honestly astonish myself when I think back of my youthful adventures. I wouldn't have the courage to indulge in that lifestyle now. I'd probably never go back. It's painful to see how drastically Hollywood has changed.

  8. This is Louise....Thanks for sharing! Thinking of you today, Jon - I hope you're doing alright.

    1. Thanks, Louise! It's always good to hear from you.


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