Thursday, November 11, 2021


I could tell you about my horrifying trip to town yesterday - - when I was on a winding, narrow, perilous mountain road, trapped behind a gigantic logging truck that was going about 10 mph (NO exaggeration) - while my ailing car was hardly running and the "check engine" light kept flashing.

I could tell you about the dire adventures I'm having with my water heater - when I discovered that it was improperly installed and has several code violations. 

I could tell you that my oven still isn't working, since I haven't yet found the replacement part - and might have to travel to Bangladesh to find it (small smidgen of humor). Thank God for microwaves..... 

I could mention that frigid weather is returning this weekend and my temperamental furnace is hardly working.

I could confess that I'm mentally demolished and on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

But you don't give a flying fig about my problems.

So, I'll enthrall you with more photos of my backyard forest, which were taken within the past three days. Today (Thursday) is overcast with very strong winds and the last of the autumn foliage is rudely being stripped from the trees. Soon barren winter will be upon us. 

I took the above photo two days ago, when it was still sunny and warm. It looks kinda artistic.

My front yard (above) taken this morning.


The foliage is fading quickly and it's presently starting to rain.

 30 second clip from my cell phone, a few days ago



  1. I am sorry to read about your continuing battles with appliances and you car, Jon. Thank goodness for a crockpot as well which to me is better than a microwave especially for doing meals with leftovers! Even though your yard and surrounding areas are overgrown, their beauty is certainly in the fall. It’s a pity that those colors will soon be gone and winter dreariness will set in.

    1. The problems that I list on my blog are minor compared to other troubles that I have. I'm finding it more difficult to cope every day.
      A crockpot is definitely better than a microwave. Microwaves always tend to make things seem rubbery and artificial.
      The foliage is still beautiful, but today is another windy day and the leaves are vanishing quickly.

  2. Buy a cheap slow-cooker. They are great for cooking roasts of any kind.

    1. I bought a slow cooker several months ago and really love it. It's definitely fantastic for cooking roasts. Much easier than an oven.

  3. That first photo looks like a piece of art!
    In your misery you are surrounded by beauty.

    1. It does look like a piece of art. When I first took that photo, I only saw the cluster of yellow leaves. I initially didn't see the beautiful gold and red leaves at the top.

  4. A Very windy day and all of the leaves are now down here in Iowa. We didn't even have any sun to show off their beauty. Today was overcast and snow. But cheer up! Cheryl LOVES reading/hearing about your problems. IT makes her feel good about herself and reminds me that at least we don't have problems like THAT! ( Just kidding... we don't have a house! You lucky bum...) Oh, And our Check Engine light has been on for years. I think it is a badge of Honor to thumb our nose at the new cars.. since it does not effect the performance of the vehicle.

    1. Well, it's nice to know that my problems provide a source of entertainment. Believe it or not, several people have stopped reading my blog because they thought I was too depressing (the cowardly bastards....).

      A few years ago my Check Engine light was on for several months, then mysteriously went out. Now it's on again. I don't know whether to take it seriously or not.

      The weather here has been very windy for several days and it's turning colder......but no snow.

  5. Your backyard scenery is captured perfectly with your cell phone and (El Cheapo camera?).

    Your beautifully bright and vibrant photos remind me of the oil panitings that my dad used to paint when I was a kid (he was very good at it, too!).

    Wishing you much luck with your car, furnace, and other troublesome happenings! HOPEFULLY, winter will cut us ALL a break this year!

    1. My El Cheapo digital camera is so old that I'm surprised it still takes decent pictures. I still haven't properly figured out how to use the cell phone.
      I didn't know your father painted pictures. I hope his paintings are still in your family - they would be wonderful keepsakes.

      My troubles NEVER seem to end. I have no doubt that I was cursed...

  6. You have some beautiful fall colors around your house. Hope things get better for you soon. Take care, Sheila
    PS. At least the kitties help a little with the mice… ;-)

    1. Some of the trees still have color (as of Nov. 14th) but it's fading quickly. My kitties have caught a lot of mice lately - much to my delight. Thanks for stopping by, Sheila.


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