Friday, December 2, 2022


 Finally, the last month of an extremely grueling year. 

Before I get into my upbeat holiday posts and all the cutesy Christmas crap, I'm going to do one more depressing post - - the kind I know you're very reluctant to read.

I'm sure you'd rather read an uplifting post - - with me traipsing through the forest, accompanied by colorful unicorns and joyful fairies, waving my magical wand as it emits blissful pink showers of Lawrence Welk bubbles.

Sorry, comrades, but my forest is eternally plagued with grim nightmares, evil gnomes, and endless depths of dark, raw reality.

Life, as I know it, is an unrelenting bitch and there are no happy endings.

So, what have I been doing lately?

I was delighted when I received my new USB computer keyboard last Monday. I could finally write again!
Two nights later the Nature Gods saw my glee and pelted rural Tennessee with severe storms. Naturally there was a power outage and my computers and landline phone (as usual) were zapped dead. No Internet connection.

This happens every time there's a storm. I'm thoroughly, completely, absolutely disgusted at having to call my Internet provider for assistance. I'm tired of them having to come out and "fix" my computer.
So - -
I decided to fix the damn thing myself. I spent half the day messing with wires and connections. With absolutely no plausible technical knowledge I screwed around with all the reset buttons. Sometime around dusk, I finally got an Internet connection!
Small miracles sometimes happen - -
or was it a freak fluke......?

Despite this technical miracle, the rest of my life is hell.
My furnace isn't working and I don't have $3,000 for a new one. I'm using space heaters in the kitchen and bedroom and they're sufficient. This is absolutely the coldest house I ever lived in. The drafts and dampness are beyond belief. I don't need a furnace. I need an exorcist.

My November utility bill tripled - and the really cold weather doesn't arrive until January.

Late at night the raccoons keep me awake - ripping the roof apart and shredding the insulation.
I'm infested with mice.
More trees were toppled during the recent storm. The wild brush is over ten feet high.
I won't mention the problems I'm having with S.S., Motor Vehicles, and insurance. 

My health "issues" are beyond endurance.
High blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, constant aural migraines, a persistent hacking cough due to the dampness, constant severe cramps in my hands.

When I was twenty, I performed a piano concerto with a symphony orchestra.
Today my hands are so friggin' cramped that I can hardly hold a spoon.
If that isn't bitter irony, I don't know what the hell is.

Worst of all - I'm reluctant to admit this - but I'm losing my ability to walk.

This grim post is getting much too long, but I finally want to reveal everything about my ongoing spinal issues.

When I left California and moved to the Missouri Ozarks (I was in my early 30's) I had a horrific accident. It happened on Labor Day in September.
I was carrying a heavy vacuum cleaner up a flight of polished wooden stairs - and I was foolishly wearing only a pair of socks and no shoes. I slipped and fell down the flight of stairs.
I hit my spine so hard that I thought my back was broken. I couldn't move or walk. The bruises on my back were so bad that they were still there on Christmas.
Half a dozen spinal fractures, serious damage - I needed surgery but refused. As a result, I had permanent numbness and constant tingling in my left leg. And extreme difficulty moving my leg.

Fast forward to the winter of 2015 - - my first winter in Tennessee.

There was heavy snowfall and an ice storm. One of the water pipes burst under my house. Everything was flooding.
I panicked and ran outside to turn off the main water valve. The water meter is very far from the house, near the passing road. I had to run down a steep, icy hill.

I was (foolishly) wearing cowboy boots - which have no traction. Just as I got to the meter, I slipped on the ice and hit my spine EXACTLY where I had the injury in Missouri.
I fell in the snow and was completely paralyzed. There was absolutely no one to help me. I laid there for at least half an hour.

Somehow I got my arms to move and I summoned the courage and strength to crawl. Inch by inch I dragged myself up the icy hill and finally got to the back porch.
I'll never know how I survived.

To abbreviate an extremely long story - I never told anyone the seriousness of my situation and had no way of getting to a doctor.

If I ever revealed the agony I went through for the next year, nobody would ever believe it. The pain in my back and spine was so excruciatingly bad that I couldn't walk and spent most of the time in bed. I could hardly stand up to give my three cats (at that time) food and water. I could seldom prepare meals for myself.

It was a very long time before I attempted to make the long drive to town - and I was in such pain that I couldn't make it. I had to literally drag myself out of the car and crawl on my hands and knees to get back to the house.

It was months before I could manage to walk again and I eventually noticed a horrible, radical shift in my spine. I could no longer stand straight or walk normally.

Over the years, my spine kept getting worse. I continually lost my balance and often got paralysis in both my legs.

As of today, I'm slowly but surely completely losing my ability to walk. I desperately tried to ignore it, but it's finally getting much worse. I can hardly navigate....and have to hang onto walls, furniture, and anything else just to get through the house. I'm losing much of my coordination and can hardly lift anything at all. I'm in perpetual agony and often can't get my breath.

A horrifying plight when I live alone in a forest in the wilderness.

This is a BITCH of a post. It's too long, too depressing, and I've said far too much.
My main objective is to reveal everything I'm going through. I'm not looking for sympathy or advice.

Somehow I'll manage to survive. I've been through a helluva lot of bad times during my life. This is merely the latest challenge.

Everything in life is a challenge, some worse than others. We all have our burdens to endure.

If you dared to read this entire post - my heartfelt thanks.

I didn't bother to edit this and typos probably exist.

Thanks for your endurance,  Jon


  1. I'm so sorry Jon. I've been thinking a lot about you. Thank you for sharing the truth with us. I wish we could do something to help. I hate you are alone and have no one. I have no other words. I'll pray for you. Your friend, Louise

  2. I'm glad you finally told us what's actually going on. I wish there were something I could do or say that could help, but other than pray for you, I don't know what I could do. I'll be thinking of you.

  3. Is it possible for you to get to a specialist and possibly have surgery to relieve the pain and keep you mobile? Would your cousin help you get to appointments? Are you on disability? Is there any services available from the county? My heart goes out to you. I have been almost unable to even make it to the bathroom a couple of times in the past three years and don't know what would have happened to me if it weren't for Dagan and Leah being nearby. I really don't know if I would have survived some of these times in the recent past--and even currently at times. I never know when I will be nearly nonfunctional. I know how it feels to be so miserable and in such pain that you don't want to think about trying to walk around your own home let alone try to get out and about to a doctor, etc. But you need some assistance, Jon. I hope you have let your cousin know and asked for her help.

  4. I am sorry for all that you are going through. I don't know what else to say. Take care.

  5. Thank you for sharing what's really going on, Jon. I've been desperately worried. Your mobility and pain issues sound like what Tom's going through. Of late, he's eating pain relievers like candy and putting on lidocaine patches -- but refuses to see a pain management specialist. (Can you identify?) We found him an inexpensive walker; perhaps that's something you might consider? Please continue to let us know what's happening. We care.

  6. I commiserate with your spinal pain Jon, after having spinal surgery some thirty years earlier. My surgery was a disc correction and helped, but now years later, the effects of old age and spinal stenosis takes it toll daily. Try getting a wheelchair, they help tremendously on the days you are unable to walk at least you can still whiz around and cook a meal or feed the cats. I hope your trials and tribulations become easier.

  7. Good luck Jon! I know slightly the pain of a back injury. However, Mine happened when I was a kid. and kids bounce back better than aging adults. ( And grumpy ones too!) Honestly I remember the time spent in bed more than the actual pain. 3 months! And then we went to Florida with a full body cast! ( Itchy sweaty, smelly, not fun...) But kids heal and grow up. I understand that that might be a litter different with us as we age. But at least we have wisdom.... right? ( cowboy boots in winter? Were you trying to kill yourself?!?! ) Feel better soon. or at least till the holidays are over. On the bright side, your mouse infestation should feed your cat for a little while..... Saves you money on cat food. And the cold keeps that snake away from the kitchen!

  8. I came to your blog from "A Brit in Tennessee" on a whim to check you out. Life's a bitch comes into my thoughts much as I try to age gracefully in pain. We are able to keep up with the repairs, so I have no idea of the stress you are going through with those issues. My stress comes from what we have to do to eventually get the money together for a major repair. Nature and happy memories give me comfort, as I'm sure they do you also. If I didn't have my gardens, cats and dog, I would be lost, although it is difficult taking care of them all anymore. It's a bummer when we go from living life to trying to survive what life is left. Sometimes it seems impossible to reach a happy place, but I wish you all the best in keeping what makes you happy a reality.

  9. If your doctor oks it medicare will provide some in home care to help you a few times a week.

  10. Power companies have already forewarned of the upping of fees!!!! Where do the cost of things eventually stop before no one can afford anything???

  11. Jon, I just read your post now. I am so sorry for your situation. I wish I could do something to help. I'm having trouble walking myself. My problem is arthritis. Isn't getting any better. Believe it or not Pat also has problems walking. A pinched nerve and sciatica. Eventually, if Bill passes before I do Pat and I will live together and both be hobbling around. I just try to make it though each day and be thankful that I've made it this far. Imagine living in Ukraine where the Russians are bombing innocents and knocking the power out. I hope your situation improves.

  12. I just got on to read blogs today and my goodness. I wish there was something I could do for you. Even bring you meals but being in Northern MN that's out of the question. I will pray for you though. I agree with someone else who said to see if you can get some services, a home health aid, get a walker or wheelchair. Call and talk to your cousin to see if she had idea's for help for you. You NEED to be seen by a pain specialist too. See if you can get some relief. Maybe there is a program in your state to get you a working furnace as well, Please take care. Wendy

  13. It seems that my comment was lost someplace, Jon, and like your other blogger friends (yes, you have them) have made good suggestions on how to get some possible help. As you can see, there are those who do care, so please don’t give up on yourself or fellow bloggers.

  14. I commented on this at the time, Jon, but I don't see my comment here (unless I'm going nuts .... not impossible I know). But I was very sympathetic, your health situation sounds painful and frightening. The idea of being without a furnace is just horrible too. I hope things improve.

    1. I've had several complaints about comments vanishing. I checked my spam file but nothing is there. I'm sorry that your comment disappeared.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.