Thursday, September 19, 2024


There's a danger in blogging too frequently but I'll risk it - - even though I'm subjecting you to too much of a good thing.

(sarcastic smile inserted here)

Nothing new in my boring life, but I'm savoring this beautiful time of year. Autumn is only a few days away.

I couldn't resist buying the Halloween cat - - because it has a vintage look. I luv old fashioned Halloween decor.

This cat is available from (of all places) Walmart online. It's only $10...... over ten inches tall and really cute. A lot of review comments complain that the cat arrived broken from bad packaging. I was lucky - mine arrived in perfect shape.

End of commercial.

I had a computer glitch (disaster) last weekend. I was uploading my "Homage to Autumn" video to my YouTube channel. The video is only six minutes long, but the upload took nearly two hours (1 hour and 55 minutes). 

The upload was nearly finished (only FOUR minutes remained) when I suddenly lost connection to the Internet. My numerous desperate attempts to regain a connection failed.

I finally noticed the computer router was dead and there was no way to revive it.

Had to call my Internet Service Provider on Monday and they sent out a technician (or whatever). My old router was ten years old. The new router that he installed is huge and looks rather foreboding. To make matters worse, it wouldn't connect my laptop to the Internet.

After messing around for over an hour with no results, the worker finally decided to hook up my laptop to the router with a cable. This seemed like an archaic solution to me - - but I acquiesced.

Now my laptop is on a leash. Fortunately I don't have to take it for a walk.

(wry humor inserted here)

I'll refrain from talking about my health....or the annoying problems I'm incurring in my humble abode.

These lazy September days are beautiful. Mild weather, balmy sunshine. The days are growing shorter and shadows are longer. My rural world is yawning in anticipation of autumn.


Fog and mists every morning. I love it.

I kept debating whether or not to post this, because I dislike boring posts. There's nothing here that I like.......
.......but then I thought
"Lighten up, Jon. Even perfect people can be boring."


  1. Glad to read that the Halloween cat did not get damaged in transit, Jon. Autumn is also my favorite, and the fog and mist image was lovely. Still waiting for major foliage changes here, but there are some scattered colors to enjoy. A tethered pc sounds like it might be cumbersome.

    1. The autumn foliage is most lovely near the end of October here. I'm sure yours are much earlier...way up north.
      I never thought my laptop would be docked on the kitchen table - - but I seldom move it anywhere else, so it doesn't really bother me.

  2. Perfect people are some of the most boring people I've met.... though, seriously doubt that they're that perfect.... but probably told me so. LOL. I'm at the bottom of that barrel and own it. Love the retro Halloween cat. I also love retro Halloween decorations...and Christmas, Easter and whatever. Hope you're feeling better, Jon. I know it's dicey. I feel the same way many days. Enjoy autumn! At least that's one perk!
    Paranormal John

    1. I like to refer to myself as being perfect simply to be annoying. In fact, I'm irretrievably flawed.
      I agree that the very best holiday decorations are the retro ones.
      Autumn never fails to make me feel wonderful!

  3. That retro cat looks positively diabolical! I glad you were able to rein in (pun intended) those computer woes. If it weren't for HP Tech support, we'd be up that proverbial creek. I'm so excited to welcome Fall; never mind that our air conditioner is still running 24/7. I just want to hug it and never let go.

    1. That cat has a devious smile that would undoubtedly scare mice.
      I'm clueless when it comes to technical things. The temperatures here are delightfully mild and cool at night. Hopefully it will stay that way....


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