Monday, January 15, 2024


The winter storm arrived yesterday evening (Sunday) with howling winds and an abundance of snow. Presently it's 15 degrees (Fahrenheit). I don't know how much snow has accumulated, but no vehicles can get anywhere near my humble abode.

Fortunately I still have heat and water.

Yesterday - - before the storm - - my neighbor's brother brought all of my packages that were delivered to the wrong address. It was like a gift from heaven! Thank God for honest, caring people.

I feel absolutely horrible from the devastating fall I had on Saturday. My entire body aches, my back is ravaged, and I still have a headache.

A wholehearted thank you for all of your caring comments.

When I got up today I managed to creep out on the porch with my walker and cell phone - - and took a few pics.


The front "yard"

(We're supposed to get 6 to 8 inches)


  1. I'm so glad the food got there! I've been worried sick, wondering if I could help make that happen. So, you're beat up but at least you can get meals. And thank you for the pictures!

    1. It was a miracle that I got my packages before the storm arrived. I'm expecting more food on Thursday.

  2. I'm so happy that you have your food!

    1. It is a great relief. I was really worried. Hope you are keeping warm in MO.

  3. So thankful for an update and thankful for the neighbor that delivered your packages!

    1. I'm really thankful that there are a lot of helpful people here in the boonies.

  4. Oops! Pat/Texas LOL

  5. Fresh snow is always so magical to me.
    I am so glad you have heat!!

    1. I am SO glad I had the furnace fixed before the frigid weather arrived.

  6. PS Do you have your neighbor's number so you can call him next time your packages are delivered but not delivered?

  7. So happy to read this update and that you had the packages delivered, Jon, but less happy after reading the previous post. I was going to leave a comment earlier but really did not know what advice could be added after so many helpful suggestions from fellow bloggers, all were good ones. It's just too bad that so many would not work for you for the reasons you gave. Rita's comment above about getting the neighbor's number so you can contact someone the next time deliveries go astray is a good one. Glad you still have power and hope that continues to be true in the wintry weather. Also, hope you can get some rest and will be feeling a little better. BTW the snow was lovely to see, thanks for venturing out in your walker to take a few photos, but better staying indoors for the duration.

    1. My horrible fall on Saturday was solely caused by my carelessness. I should never have tried to walk with a cane. It was an extremely dangerous situation and I truly thought I wouldn't make it.
      I do have my neighbor's number and I gave him my number in a thank you letter.
      The weather is supposed to be bad all week, but the worst will be tomorrow (Tuesday). I hope our snow will disappear as quickly as yours did.
      Thanks, Dorothy.

  8. Oh, thank you for this update; I was worried sick! These photographs hardly resemble a winter wonderland; thanks for sharing them ... but now, please stay INSIDE!

  9. The description "winter wonderland" was probably devised by someone who never lived where it snows.
    After what I went through on Saturday, I have no future plans for another outdoor excursion. This entire week is supposed to be plagued with frigid weather. I'm expecting another grocery delivery on Thursday.....but I'm not optimistic.

  10. At least we had plenty of warning about what was to come, for which I'm grateful.
    I'm so glad to learn your neighbor found your groceries and was such a kind soul to deliver them to you.
    Try and just cocuun inside until this system has passed at least, I expect that's your plan.

    1. We did have sufficient warning, and the storm arrived on time. I'm just hoping that there won't be any power outages or frozen water pipes.
      Staying inside is the best thing to do - - where you can watch the snow from a window while enjoying tea or homemade soup.

  11. Glad to hear you are ok and your packages made it! Whew. What a relief. I have been thinking of and praying for you.

    P.S. Stay off the porch! 😳

    1. I was extremely careless and learned my lesson. I need prayers - - thank you!

  12. This is good news, Jon. Your property does look remote! I live in a rural area but it's not isolated. There are farms all around here. Let's hope the pain goes away day by day.I live with pain and it is, well.....a pain.

    1. You're certainly right about pain being a pain *smile* My entire body aches from my recent fall.
      My place is really isolated. I like the peace and privacy, but isolation can be scary at times.

  13. Thank goodness for your neighbor. Good neighbors are a treasure. I too am fortunate that I have a good neighbor. We watch out for each other. My late friend Bart, who was 97 years old also had a good neighbor who looked after him right up until Bart passed away in his favorite chair. Bart moved to Delaware back in the 80's from upper New York state to get away from the high New York taxes to be be near his former partner Jim and his partner Bob who were about twenty years younger than him. As life would have it both Bob and Jim passed away and during the last years of Bart's life he had no one except his neighbor who lived right next door to him. Bart's neighbor did his shopping for him, took him to his doctor's appointments and always looked in on him. My neighbor is two years old than me, a widower. Of course I also check in on him. He has children but they all live in different states. By the way, thanks for posting your new photos. Always interesting to see your photos of the different seasons.
    Ron of Retired in Delaware

    1. I was really inspired when I met a 94 year old man who lives alone on 24 acres here in TN.
      But is always good to have caring neighbors who look after you.

  14. By the way, did you check out that rescue kitty at the shelter yet?

    1. No, not yet. The weather is so bad right now that I would rather wsit awhile - - perhaps until spring.


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