Saturday, September 16, 2023


I have had a passionate love affair with autumn as long as I can remember. When I was four years old my mother, grandmother, and I went by train to New Hampshire to spend a week with friends. They had a magnificent estate by a lake. I vividly remember walking in the nearby forest with my mother. The autumn foliage was ablaze with bright crimson and gilded orange and yellow. I can still smell the potent rustic scent of the woodlands.

Those long-ago memories are rekindled every autumn here in rural Tennessee. My soul soars with the glorious embrace of Mother Nature. Autumn has a special beauty that can induce tears of joy. My private feelings are undoubtedly influenced by my Magyar Hungarian blood - - an intoxicating mixture of melancholy, nostalgia, sentimentality, and intense romanticism.

Enough of my poetic effusions.

In celebration of the upcoming arrival of the autumnal equinox, I'm posting a video that I made about seven years ago.

Of the 80 or so videos that I've made for YouTube, this one is my favorite. All of the photos were taken on my rural property in October, 2016. Perhaps this provides tangible evidence why I love living there.

The music I chose is The Long March by Vangelis (1943 - 2022).

The video is best viewed full-screen.

My YouTube channel is jayveesonata - in case anyone cares.

Love, Jon


  1. Simply stunning. Autumn, my birth season, and my favorite also.
    Beautiful music.

    1. I love the music and couldn't resist using it for the video. I was born on December 13th - - late in the year but technically still Autumn.

  2. Thank you! Off to see more on your YouTube channel now.

    1. I honestly can't remember all of my videos. A lot of them contain recordings of my piano music. Others are tributes to interesting historic people- like Eva Peron, Empress Alexandra, Greta Garbo....

  3. Absolutely stunning. I am also a person who loves autumn. I could not express that feeling in the way you have.

    1. Thank you, Sandra. Autumn always inspires my creativity.

  4. Quite possibly, this may be my favorite of your creations. I hope Heaven looks a bit like these images. Do you mind if I share this? xo

    1. Myra, I'm sure heaven is holding some of these inspiring images. Feel free to share this and any other of my humble efforts...

  5. Replies
    1. Many thanks, Kim. This video always makes me feel relaxed and peaceful. Mother Nature heals and inspires.

    2. Yes, she most certainly does at that!

  6. Thank you Jon, you made my day! Even though I have never lived outside of big city North Carolina, my heart belongs in Tennessee mostly Gatlinburg and Great Smoky Mountains. Love the fall colors. Hope you are feeling better each day.

    1. I love the Smokey Mountains. Rural areas are so intensely inspiring. It's a refreshing pleasure to be here, after spending so many years in L.A. and Hollywood.
      I seem to be doing very well in rehab. Thanks, Cheryle

  7. Like yourself, Jon, I am also glad that autumn with its beautiful foliage and cooler weather has arrived. We are already seeing some fall colors here in Nashua, NH, and look forward to taking some weekend drives as the season progresses here in New England. Nice to read that you and your mother visited NH years ago. Thanks for the beautiful composition as it made my evening.

    1. After all these many years, I still have vivid memories of NH. I'll look forward to your autumn journeys and photos. And I'm thoroughly enjoying learning about your adventures in Italy.
      Thanks Dorothy.

    2. Hope that one day you will return to see fall season in New England, Jon. By the way, I am glad to read that you have received many cards from fellow bloggers. I told a friend of mine named Tom C, who lives in NJ and he told me he also sent you a card. I was wondering if you recall receiving it. He told me that his health aide also sent one and this would have been a few weeks ago.

    3. I received numerous cards and postcards lately, several from New Jersey. I'm positive one was from Tom.
      Also, I just received your most recent card with the warm fizzles - many thanks!

  8. My favorite time of year, too. Since we have very few trees because of it being so newly built up around here, it was great to see woodlands in all their glory.
    I hope you are still roommate-free so you are able to get as much peace and quiet and rest as a human can get in rehab. ;)

    1. Growing up in Southern Calif. was exciting but I really missed out on seeing the season's. I'm glad that I finally have the opportunity.
      I am still blessedly roommate - free but I'm afraid that he will eventually return. His personal items were never removed. I'm doing well in rehab therapy.

  9. I absolutely LOVE fall. The smells are fabulous and the colors gorgeous! Loved your music with these photo's of fall.... Wendy

  10. There is a magical essence about Autumn that lifts the soul and intoxicates the senses.
    Thanks, Wendy.

  11. Not sure if you read these older posts, Jon. Sorry I've been MIA for so long. My computer wouldn't let me post on anyone's blog??? All of a works! I've been following your journey in the health care system. Believe me, I get it. I worked in hospitals for 38 years. Saw it all. The good, the bad and all the warts (lots of those). I hope you're progressing and can eventually come home and Bosco can be with you once again. Take care.
    Paranormal John

    1. It's so good to hear from you, John. I'm glad your computer is finally cooperating again.
      I was in the Cookeville Medical Center for over two months - - and now in rehab here in Jamestown for over a month. My journey has been hellish, but I'm still positing forward.
      Thanks for your comment.

  12. Jon, what is your room number now in Jamestown? Hope today is a good day for you.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.